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The 6th wave of performers to appear at @JAM EXPO 2018 to be held on August 25-26 at Yokohama Arena have been announced!
Here are the newest 16 groups that have been added to the @JAM EXPO 2018 lineup:
Zettai Chokkyū Joshi! Playballs
@JAM EXPO 2018
August 25, 2018(Sat) to August 26, 2018(Sun)
Open-9:00am Start-10:00am
Yokohama Arena
APPARE! Harajuku, uijin, Kamiyado, SUPER☆GiRLS, Yufu Terashima, Dempagumi.inc, Niji no Conquistador, Negicco, PASSPO☆, FES☆TIVE, Akishibu project, CROWN POP, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE, Batten Showjo Tai, Beboga!, MAGiCAL PUNCHLiNE, monogatari, Yanakoto Sotto Mute, Lovely☆Doll, lyrical school, Akishibu project, CROWN POP, TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE, Batten Shoujo Tai, Beboga!, MAGiCAL PUNCHLiNE, monogatari, Yanakoto Sotto Mute, Lovely⭐︎Doll, Lyrical School, Higashi Ikebukuro 52, =LOVE, STU48, callme, 3B junior, sora tob sakana, Task have Fun, TOY SMILEY, Tokyo Performance Doll, The Dance for Philosophy, Yumemiru Adolescence, wyenra, UPUPGIRLS (KARI), UPUPGIRLS (2), UPUPGIRLS (PRO-WRESTLING), CYNHN, Zenryoku Shoujo R, TsuriBit, Tokyo CuteCute, Nanaland, Party Rockets GT, Moso Calibration, ROCK A JAPONICA, AIS-All Idol Songs-, amiinA, AKB48, AKB48 Team8, KAZEHIKARU FUKUROU, Qumari Depart, Kobushi Factory, Juice=Juice, Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku, Team Syachihoko, 9nine, notall, Pandamic, Fullfull Pocket, Babyraids JAPAN
Goodwill ambassador-Mirin Furukawa (Dempagumi.inc)
Host-Yufu Terashima
@JAM Navigators-MEY
Ticket preorder period: April 9 (Mon) 12pm to July 13 (Fri) 11:59pm
Rakuten Tickets
2-days ticket (August 25 and 26): https://wp.tstar.jp/cart/performances/79779
1-day ticket (August 25): https://wp.tstar.jp/cart/performances/79780
1-day ticket (August 26): https://wp.tstar.jp/cart/performances/79781
@JAM EXPO 2018 Official site: http://www.at-jam.jp/series/expo2018
@JAM EXPO Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/at_jam
@JAM EXPO Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/atjamjamjam?ref_type=bookmark
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