Graduation Announcement of Keyakizaka46 Neru Nagahama. Her Words From Official Blog Arrived

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It was announced that Hina Aizuki will be graduating the group and entertainment industry after 3min.’s one-man concert on April 2nd at Shibuya Dr.JEEKAHN’s. The announcement was suddenly made after 3min. finished their performance during their Teiki Kouen “palet & 3min. Friday night” at Akihabara Cultures Theatre held on March 4th, today.
本日3月4日、秋葉原カルチャーズ劇場で全4回に渡る定期公演「palet & サンミニ Friday night」の最終公演が開催された。両グループのパフォーマンス終了後、サンミニの逢月ひなが4月2日に渋谷ドクタージーカンズで開催されるワンマンライブをもってグループを卒業することが発表された。また、グループと同時に所属事務所も卒業する。
Aizuki shared her thoughts while smiling, saying “It has been 5 years since I entered the production company and I have spent about 3 years as a member of 3min. I made this decision because I want to have some time to take a look at myself again. Playing a role in 3min. and meeting you guys supporting me, those are really valuable things for me.
I am sorry that this announcement is very sudden. I will always be with a smile, so everyone please keep supporting me to the end!”
3min. is now holding release events for their first mini album “A to Z” will be released on March 30th.
Don’t miss their activities and keep smiling for Hina!
サンミ二は現在、3月30日に発売されるグループ初のミニアルバム「A to Z」のリリースイベントを展開中。
3min. One-man Live commemorating the release of “A to Z”
Date : March 33rd, 2016 (April 2nd)
Place : Shibuya DR.JEEKAHNS
Open 5:30 pm / Start 6:00 pm
Ticket : https://t.livepocket.jp/e/3min-one_man-a_to_z
サンミニ「A to Z」発売記念ワンマンライブ
2016/3/33(土) (2016年4月2日)
会場 : 渋谷 ドクタージーカンズ
開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00
Related links
3min. Official site: http://3min-platinum.com/
3min. Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/3min_staff
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