Tsubaki Factory Celebrates First One-man Live with Comments from Saki Shimizu and a Surprise Anno...

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On August 13, Hello! Project has officially announced 3 new members for Tsubaki Factory (Camellia Factory)!
Mizuho Ono, Saori Onoda, and Mao Akiyama were chosen to join, and Tsubaki Factory transformed into a 9 member group.
The average age of the group became 15.4 years old, and the 9 girls will have their first performance in September 4 at the Tokyo performance of the concert “Hello! Project Kenshuusei Hapyoukai 2016 September ~SINGING! ~” at Zepp Tokyo.
New member’s profile:
Related Links
Hello! Project Official Website Tsubaki Factory Page: http://www.helloproject.com/tsubakifactory/
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