Tomomi Itano As Never Seen Before! Previews From 3rd Photobook “release” Revealed!

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Performing in Singapore for the first time on October 8, 2016, Tomomi Itano was greeted by loud cheers from her fans when she opened the show with “Dear J” from her first solo single. Despite doors opening only at 7PM, the earliest fans were at the doors queuing since 8AM in the morning. Their enthusiasm had not gone unnoticed by Itano, who followed with familiar tunes such as “1%”, “Crush”, and “Girls Do” before a MC break.
Less fluent in English, Itano asked her fans if they understood Japanese, with more than half of the crowd raising their hands. Jokingly, the singer asked the ones who could not understand Japanese to raise their hands, which no one did. “Obviously they can’t raise their hands since they don’t understand the question (asked in Japanese),” she laughed, making the crowd chortle as well.
While it might be less hyped during non-title tracks from her solo releases such as “Little Devil Girl” and “Man Up”, the atmosphere soon picked up when Itano suggested her fans to sing or dance along if they know the following tunes, before breaking into an AKB48 medley. Consisting of “Heavy Rotation”, “Everyday Katchusha”, “Ponytail to Shushu” and “Flying Get”, the medley garnered the loudest cheers of the night, with many fans dancing to the signature moves together with Itano.
Answering questions from the fans from a pre-screened list during the Q and A segment, Itano let on that her favorite present from fans is handwritten letters rather than pricey gifts. Talking about her ideal man, the singer pondered before answering that she wants someone whom she can respect. Further divulging that her ideal partner should not be someone who is too thin, it led to a few fans in the audience raising their hands to volunteer themselves as her ideal man. In spite of it being her first performance in Singapore, Itano revealed that it was not her first trip to Singapore. Confessing that she had been to Singapore for more than five times, the night view was what drew Itano to Singapore. The singer even teased that she might know more places and restaurants in Singapore with amazing night views than the audience.
Held at MILLIAN Singapore, the club-like atmosphere suited most of Itano’s high-energy tunes, with the singer belting out tunes such as “Gimme Gimme Luv” and “Come Party” while the fans danced along with their pink penlights. The lights dimmed after “Come Party”, signaling the end of the showcase. Almost immediately, the fans chanted for an encore and Itano did not disappoint; with an outfit change, the singer came back on stage performing one of the fan-favorites “Fuini”.
The showcase wrapped up with one last song “I am the only one”, a track off Itano’s latest album. The singer revealed that it was her first time singing it live, and the Singaporean fans were the first to watch her perform this wedding-esque song. Additionally, it was announced that Itano would be personally presenting a poster to every fan in the audience after the showcase, with cheers erupting throughout the venue thereafter. It was no wonder that Tomomi Itano gained even more fans after the showcase that night and we look forward to seeing her in Singapore again!
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Related Links
Tomomi Itano Official site: http://tomomiitano.jp/
Tomomi Itano Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tomo_coco73
Tomomi Itano Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomo.i_0703/
Tomomi Itano Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tomomiitano
Tomomi Itano Official Line blog: http://lineblog.me/tomomiitano/
Team Tomo Tomomi Itano Online Community: http://teamtomo.com/media/hot
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