Here Comes Beautiful and Cute Cosplayers! Niconico Chokaigi 2019 Photo Report Part 2

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Up‐and‐coming anime song artist, Tapimiru has released her 2nd single
”Motenai Kuseni(`;ω;´)” on May 9, 2018. It’s been almost a year since her major label debut. She is a girl who has become a singer in the blink of an eye through her activities on “Niconico” which is Japan’s largest social video/streaming website and also other live streaming platforms. She started streaming and posting videos in 2016, and she made her major label debut just 1 year after. I was fortunate to be able to speak with her, regarding how she made her dream come true.
2017年5月にメジャーデビューし、2018年5月9日にTVアニメ『ハイスクールD×D HERO』のエンディングテーマ
— Since when did you want to become a singer?
— 何才くらいから歌手を目指していたんですか?
Tapimiru: I can’t remember exactly, but I have loved singing since my childhood. I remember that my parents took me to a local festival, I went up on the stage and singing and dancing without their permission. I think I’m a little show-off by nature.
たぴみる: はっきりとは覚えていないんですが、子供の頃から歌うことが大好きでした。地元のお祭りなどに連れていってもらったら、勝手にステージに上がって歌ったり踊っていたりするような子供でした。元々目立ちたがり屋だったのかなと思います。
When I was a high school student, I was in the light music club. The first time I performed on the stage, I felt something sparkles in my mind.The experience had a huge impact on my whole life. It dawned on me that “I want to make a living as a singer!” So I decided not apply to college and start pursuing my dream; become a singer.
— How was your school days?
— どんな学生時代を過ごしましたか?
Actually, I was a quiet and vulnerable child when I was in elementary school. I was so introverted that I had very few friends. But when I became a junior high school student, I had a thought that I should not withdraw myself into my shell. I had to pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone. So I made myself stronger. I don’t like to lose so I tried really hard to put myself out there.
— When did you start watching anime?
— いつ頃からアニメを観るようになったんですか?
I was in the art club when I was in junior high, the most of the members are otaku. They like anime, manga and video games. So I was influenced by them and became an otaku as well. One day I borrowed a light novel from one of my friends. It was the trigger that I got totally hooked on light novels!
— How did you start streaming and posting videos on the Internet?
— ネット配信はどんな風に始めましたか?何かきっかけはありますか?
When I didn’t have my own PC or cell phone either, I stumbled upon a “Utattemita”(literally means “tried to sing”) video on Niconico. At that time, there was a website called “Koe-Bu” which is translated as “Voice Club”. It was a sort of like a platform where you can post your songs and participate in online Karaoke session with others. I really wanted to join that community so I pulled out my dad’s old PC from the closet and worked really hard to connect it to the Internet. Since I was singing with an old cheap microphone, the noise was terrible. So I was joking like “Hey, I’m singing from a helicopter!” Also, my parents were strict when I was growing up so I crawled into my futon and singing quietly so that they wouldn’t notice.
— You have played a lot of games on stream. I have an impression that you are good at playing games.
— たぴみるさんは、ゲーム配信もしていてゲームがすごく上手いという印象があります。
Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure whether I’m good at playing games. But I like to play games with my friends. Basically, I don’t really like to play all by myself!
Right now I’m totally addicted to the “Uta Macross” which is the smartphone app game themed of classic Sci-Fi anime series.
今はマクロスの音ゲー(歌マクロス スマホDeカルチャー)にはまっています!
When I started streaming, I was doing it just for fun. But, as I was seeing the success of my friends around me, also pursuing their dreams in the music industry, I thought that I have to change in order to succeed. So I started to actively connect with the world outside.
The situation has changed rapidly since I actually started going outside, like doing some live performances. I think that was the key to success.
— The new single “Motenai Kuseni (`;ω;´)” has just released on May 9, 2018. Could you tell us about the song and also if there’s anything that has changed since last time from your point of view?
— 今回のシングルについてお話を聞きたいのですが、何か前作と今回でご自身の中で何か変わったことはありますか?
I used to sing ballads often, but my debut song “Hakkensha wa Watashi” which is the Main theme song of “Grimoire of Zero” was a very pop and energetic. To be honest, I was a bit surprised and even confused at first.
But now, It’s been almost a year since my debut so I feel much calmer than before.
I wrote the lyrics to follow the storylines of the animation; “High School DxD Hero”. I put a lot of effort to mix well both the anime and my taste. I think I have learned a lot from this experience.
— Is there anyone who you look up to, or who inspires you?
— 憧れたり、影響を受けたアーティストなどはいますか?
You know, there are some artists working without showing much of their faces.
For example, Supercell and EGOIST. They are attracting people by singing alone. I think that’s really amazing.
例えば、Supercell さんやEGOISTさん。そんな方々をとても魅力的だなと感じます。
— Last but not least, is there anything that you want to try in the future?
— 最後に、これから近いうちにやってみたい事などあれば教えてください。
Even though I made the major debut, I still can’t feel how much people are supporting me.
Maybe I am a bit twisted, so I can’t believe when people praise me but when I have a live show, that makes me realize so many people actually like my music and supporting me. I really appreciate that they come all the way to the venue, it makes me feel like I have to work harder for my fans. Right now I have been doing some live shows in Tokyo periodically, but I’d like to do a nationwide tour in the future.
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Tapimiru mini One-Man Live vol.08
June 24, 2018 (Sunday)
Open – 6:00pm / Start – 6:30pm
Mizonokuchi Theater (Kanagawa)
Ticket URL: https://ticketpay.jp/booking/?event_id=14338
Related Links
Tapimiru Official Website: https://tapimiru.com/
Tapimiru Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/tapimiru_2525
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