Trick or Treat! SUPER☆GiRLS, Cheeky Parade, GEM, and Wasuta Bring Halloween to Akihabara!

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SUPER☆GiRLS has released the MV for their new song “PAN-PAKA-PAN! (Song by iDOL Street All Members)”
It will be included as a coupling track in their upcoming 7th single “Tokonatsu High Touch” will be released on June 12th.
This time, total 45 girls who belongs to iDOL Street, including members of SUPER☆GiRLS and Cheeky Parade, make their appearance in the MV.
Check the heart warming MV below!
Furthermore, on June 11th, the iDol Street’s live event “SUPER☆GiRLS 3rd anniversary SP / iDOL Street Carnival Nippon Budokan – Chozetsu Shoujo tachino Chousen 2013-” will take place!
Stay tuned to the title track “Tokonatsu High Touch”, too!
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Dempagumi.inc unveiled the MV for their new single “DenDenPassion”
TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE released short MV for their new song “Unmei”