Batter Up! SILENT SIREN Bake Cakes for Baseball Players in the MV for “Just Meet”!

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Silent Siren have lit the fuse on the MV for “Cherry Bomb” from their 4th album “S” (release date: March 2)!
The MV for “Cherry Bomb” takes place at what looks like a “joshi-kai” (women-only party), when all of a sudden, a trio of “party boys” appear! There’s a cute dance that goes along with the song so be sure to learn it before the next time you go see Silent Siren!
“S” will be released in a limited edition CD/DVD version and a regular CD version. Silent Siren will be starting up their 2016 live tour titled “S no Tame ni, S wo Nerae! Soshite Subete S ni Naru” on April 18 and while it remains to be seen if they will be going overseas like they did in 2015, be sure to check their official site or Twitter for more news!
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Silent Siren Official Site: http://silent-siren.com/
Silent Siren Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/staffsaisai
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