Keyakizaka46 Releases 1st Group Photobook Including Graduated Members

The newly photobook “ambiguous” by Rie Kaneko, who won the Grand Prix of miss iD 2015, was released on September 17, 2018.
The concept of this photobook, which was taken in her hometown, Philippine and Tokyo, was the natural face that has never been seen. In this album, she is taken picture of with her relatives including grandmother at church where she used to go often and house where she really lived.
On the other hand, the pictures which was taken at Tokyo shows her inner feelings, using 5 world view colored by white, black, red, grey, sky blue.
Furthermore, in the long interview she talks about her true-life story, which is never talked. The readers can listen to her pure voice directly.
The title of this photobook “ambiguous” was named by Rie Kaneko herself. Through this photobook you can see the ambiguous but indubitable figure.
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Rie Kaneko Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/bite_me__3
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