
Let’s Take Puri Together! 6 Exclusive Models Come Together to Form Reader Model Puri Rangers at Event LOOP vol.5

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Let’s Take Puri Together! 6 Exclusive Models Come Together to Form Reader Model Puri Rangers at Event LOOP vol.5

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Harajuku-style dokumo, “Dokumo BOYS & GIRLS,” came together on March 30th at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL for LOOP vol.5, an event with 3000 guests. 70% of those guests were female.

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Dokumo is short for “dokusha models,” which are mostly high school, college, and vocational school students. They are not professional models, but students who work with fashion magazines and model jobs that are fashionable, cute, and sometimes even cool and and inspirational to make readers believe that if they try hard enough, they can be just like them. Lately, they are not just in magazines, but also have a following on Twicast (Twitter and live streaming service) and eventually become celebrities.

Dokumos don’t stop at fashion. There are even some who have formed dokumo artist units, like XOX and ZOLA. Silent Siren holds the title of starting as dokumo and becoming famous enough to perform at Nippon Budokan.

From all of the dokumos, TGU decided to follow Puri Rangers (TGU has written an article about them in the past: link). Puri Rangers is limited- time six-member group made up of Suzuki Aya, Yoshiki Chisato, Maeda Nozomi, Matsumoto Reika, Fujita Nicole, and Kondo Yoji. They are a group to resolve any issues regarding purikura from March 1st until August 31).

One of the most common comments from girls is that they want to make their eyes appear larger and their faces appear smaller. In response to that, Maeda Nozomi advised that tilting your chin down and looking up will naturally make you appear that way and provided an example of that technique. The audience listened intently as the self- produced dokumo gave their words of wisdom. As a special event, two guests were chosen by a lottery to take purikura pictures with the Puri Rangers.

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After the stage, Fujita Nicole and Yoshiki Chisato sold Puri Ranger original purikura and held a handshake event in a booth within the venue and purikura shoots with “Sugar femm,” a purikura booth with Puri Ranger designed illustrations, were available.


In the popularity based dokumo-world, the 6 members of Puri Rangers is a very rare and luxurious lineup. Since they will only be together until August 31, we would love to cooperate with them as much as possible! For overseas readers who don’t understand how exactly to enjoy purikura, it might be fun to ask them to teach you how to enjoy it more!

Puri Rangers Official Site :
Furyu Facebook :
Furyu Twitter :

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Related Artists : Silent Siren

Been working in girls’ fashion magazines for a long time and am now the chief editor of Tokyo Girls’ Update. I have more expertise in Japanese teen fashion than anyone else (probably)! I’m a huge fan of the Revolutionary Girl Utena and Bakemonogatari animes.

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