PASSPO☆ Announce Disbandment, Final Flight Will be in September 2018 at Nakano Sunplaza

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Petit PASSPO☆, idol group produced by girls rock unit PASSPO☆, held their first regular event “Puchipa no Manabiya (School of Puchipa)” on June 9th at Platinum Production B1 Theater (Shibuya, Tokyo).
As the title says, the concept of the event series is that PASSPO☆ crews (members) teach Petit PASSPO☆ various things to survive idol industry from now on. For the first event, PASSPO☆’s chief purser Yukimi Fujimoto a.k.a Yukki took the platform as a teacher. So we made haste to the venue to cover all the things happen!
タイトルが示すとおり、公演のコンセプトはPASSPO☆クルーがこれからアイドル界を駆け抜ける”ぷちぱすぽ☆”に様々なことを伝授していくというもの。記念すべき第一回の先生は、PASSPO☆のチーフパーサー担当ゆっきーこと藤本有紀美が務めるとのことで、Tokyo Girls’ Updateではさっそく公演に潜入した。
The theme for that day was “self promotion.” Members were asked to do self promotion within 30 seconds in front of the audience, and it seemed like an American debate class.
Firstly, Yukki showed a demonstration while the venue’s atmosphere was becoming strained. Unfortunately she took 41 second, with 10 second over. Petit PASSPO☆ members followed her and tried self promotion on each.
The first challenger Hinata Yagi. She took 43 second and promoted herself, “My good point is being cheerful, and my weak point is having no sense of direction.”
Hokazono’s score was close to the ideal time, 33 second. She made the audience laugh with her comment “I’m good at threading a needle, but I cannot do sewing at all.” Furthermore, she showed off her classical ballet experience for 9 years with setting-up exercise. Somehow it ended up Hokazono battled with dance experienced Yamamoto for the exercise.
The next member followed was Omoka Chiba (Omochu). She sold herself for being able to Chinese. The result was 54 second as Yukki worried, but she kindly commented “It’s OK, at least your time wasn’t over 1minutes”
Probably Yamamoto was influenced by Omochu and felt the lapse of the time more slowly, as she took 47 seconds. She talked that she’s in test period right now, and promised “I’ll do my best with both studying and Petit PASSPO☆’s activities.”
The last was Riko Fujimoto, real younger sister of the teacher Yukki. She performed energetic jazz dance as self promotion. However her time record was N/A, as she forgot to count the time!
After the unique lesson finished, they moved on to the live performance. They enthusiastically performed “Samurai Girl” and “Seishun Dreamer” that were also performed at Akasaka BLITZ on May 31st.
メンバーそれぞれの個性が垣間見れる自己PRの授業の後はパフォーマンスタイムに移行。 5月31日の赤坂BLITZでも披露された「サムライガール」「青春ドリーマー」を熱演した。
The first regular event wrapped up in success. This event is a good chance to see Petit PASSPO☆ to grew up because audience can participate as a student as well. While it’s the group’s strong point that members has each noteworthy charm, their music and performance, that are strong and cheerful enough to make audience runs high, are also getting high reputations already.
The date for the next regular event was announced there. Titled “Puchipa no Manabiya vol.2 ~Hiragana Satsujin Jiken~Inakunaru Moji wa Dore~~” will be held on June 23rd (Tue).PASSPO☆’s Anna Tamai and Natsumi Iwamura will participate as teachers. So what kind of lesson will be prepared for the next time? Anyways, we promise you that it will be a premium event! Don’t miss to apply the advanced registration.
PASSPO☆メンバーのプロデュースと相まって、一気に成長する可能性を秘めた「ぷちぱすぽ☆」。次回の定期公演は6月23日(火)、公演タイトル「ぷちぱの学び舎 vol.2~ひらがな殺人事件〜いなくなる文字はどれ〜~」が既に決定している。PASSPO☆からは玉井先生・岩村先生が登場予定、いったいどんな授業が繰り広げられるのだろうか。プレミアムなイベントになることは必至!ぜひ、事前のお申し込みをお忘れなく!
Puchipa no Manabiya vol.2 ~Hiragana Satsujin Jiken~Inakunaru Moji wa Dore~~
Date : Jun 23rd (Tue) Open 6:10 pm / Event 6:15 ~ 6:45 pm / Special Fan Meeting 6:45~7:20 pm
Venue : Platinum Production B1 Theater (3-26-16 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Details : http://m.passpo.jp/kiji/2751/ (Japanese)
「ぷちぱの学び舎 vol.2~ひらがな殺人事件〜いなくなる文字はどれ〜~」
18:10 開場 / 18:15~18:45 イベント / 18:45~19:20 特典会
Related Links
Petit PASSPO☆ Official site: http://putipasspo.jp/
Petit PASSPO☆ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/putipasspo
Petit PASSPO☆ YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYOxXSnnmolowSJ3f9VVLnA
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