PASSPO☆ Announce Disbandment, Final Flight Will be in September 2018 at Nakano Sunplaza

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PASSPO☆ kicked off their nationwide tour “Utatte Odotte Kanaderu Tour” (Sing, Dance, Play Tour) in Sendai on January 22, 2017. In this tour, PASSPO☆ divides the show into two parts. The first performance is “BAND PASSPO☆”. They sing and play by themselves of all music. The second performance is “Sing and Dance” that they perform as usual. PASSPO☆ now has two different aspects, and this is one of a kind not only in today’s idol scene but also in band scene.
In this tour, PASSPO☆ perform brand-new songs which will be included in their upcoming original album “Cinema Trip” (Release date : February 15th). Fans who love PASSPO☆ since back in the day can enjoy the new side of the group, and people who became to know the group recently can watch the beginning of their new challenge.
今回のツアーでは、2月15日にリリースするオリジナル・フルアルバム「Cinema Trip」収録の新曲もふんだんに織り込まれており、以前からのファンにとっては新たなPASSPO☆の側面を楽しむことができる一方、最近PASSPO☆を知ったという方も、新たな挑戦を始まりから見守ることができる絶好の機会だ。
PASSPO☆ continues the nationwide tour until April, and they are going to perform at Nihon Seinenkan on September 9th. Why don’t you become witness of their brand-new intention they have again in their eight years history?
■ PlayGround / Music Video
・2017年1月29日(日)埼玉・HEAVEN’S ROCKさいたま新都心 VJ-3
・2017年2月12日(日)神奈川・F.A.D YOKOHAMA
・2017年3月5日(日)愛知・RAD HALL
・2017年3月11日(土)福岡・BEAT STATION
・2017年3月18日(土)栃木・HEAVEN’S ROCK 宇都宮 VJ-2
・2017年3月19日(日)埼玉・HEAVEN’S ROCK 熊谷 VJ-1
・2017年4月1日(土)東京・duo MUSIC EXCHANGE
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Related Links
PASSPO☆ Official site: http://passpo.jp/
PASSPO☆ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/passpo_staff
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