moumoon and PASSEPIED to Appear “The Great Escape Festival” in London in May!

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PASSEPIED announced that they will be holding their one-man concert tour titled “PASSEPIED TOUR 2014 ‘MAKUNOSOTO-ISM’” from November.
The tour will feature their new album “MARUNOUCHI-ISM” that will be released on June 18. They will kick off the concert tour from CLUB CITTA’, Kanagawa on November 14. There will be total 15 performances in 14 cities. The final performance will be held at Zepp DiverCity TOKYO on December 21. It will mark the largest one-man concert in their history.
The live footage from their last year’s one-man tour “PASSEPIED TOUR 2014 ‘Inshou・Hinode Gaiden'” has been revealed today. In the footage, you can watch their awesome performance for the popular songs such as “S.S”, “Fever”, “Toroimerai.” This is a part of the bonus footage will be included in the Limited Edition of the new album “MAKUNOUCHI-ISM”, so please check it out if you want to see it in full length.
Anyway, check out the amazing performance below!
New Album “Makunouchi ISM”
PASSEPIED official website : http://passepied.info/
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