The Never-ending Story of Juice=Juice Begins: 1st Budokan Live Report

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NEXT YOU have revealed the MV for “Next is you!” from their split single with Juice=Juice (who play them in the drama “Budokan”) “Next is you!/Karada dake ga Otona ni Nattanjanai” (release date: February 3)!
The MV for “Next is you!” features the members performing in front of a shiny red curtain that looks like it’s made out of fruit leather as well as many closeups of them sitting on a bed and in front of billowy pieces of fabric. Some of the moves in the choreography are quite unusual but the song is classic Tsunku♂ and should have fans swinging their arms as they run in place with NEXT YOU at any live or release event. Here are just a few of the screencaps from the MV!
Unfortunately, Juice=Juice was hit with some bad news when it was revealed that Tomoko Kanazawa has been diagnosed with endometriosis towards the end of 2015. In a post on the Juice=Juice blog Tomoko reassured fans of her commitment to helping the group reach their dreams of having their own solo concert at the Nippon Budokan and would be appearing at as many events as she could depending on her condition which is being treated with medication.
“Next is you!/Karada dake ga Otona ni Nattanjanai” will be released in 4 limited editions (A-D) and 2 regular versions. The DVD for Type-A includes the MV for “Next is you!”, Type-B includes the MV for “Karada dake ga Otona ni Nattanjanai”, Type-C includes the Dance Shot MV for “Next is you!”, and Type-D includes the Dance Shot MV for “Karada dake ga Otona ni Nattanjanai”. Even though Tsunku♂ has officially declared his graduation from Hello! Project, he is still watching over them as he has composed the music and written the lyrics for both songs as well as helping produce NEXT YOU, who he helped cast in Budokan.
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Juice=Juice Official site: http://www.helloproject.com/juicejuice/
Juice=Juice Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuiceJuice_uf
NEXT YOU Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXTYOU_gu
Budokan Fuji TV Official site: http://www.fujitv.co.jp/budokan/
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