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Mariya Nisiuchi, one of the top models of famous teen fashion magazine ‘Seventeen’, revealed the music video for her debut song ‘LOVE EVOLUTION’ which will be released on August 20th. She is super famous among Japanese girls not just as fashion model, but also as actress from TV drama ‘SMOKING GUN’ and many CM.
10代女性の人気No.1ファッション誌「Seventeen」でトップモデルを務め、フジテレビ系ドラマ「SMOKING GUN」出演や多数のCMにも出演中の10代、20代の女性に絶大な人気を誇る、モデル、女優、歌手の西内まりやが8月20日にリリースするデビュー曲「LOVE EVOLUTION」のMUSIC VIDEOが公開された。
On the video, she appears in 26 different outfits which symbolize her aspect as the top model of fashion magazine. But on the other hand, another highlight of the video is that you can see she is playing the guitar and drams so powerfully despite her cute looks, as she has got ranked 1st place in the ranking “The face teen girls want to have”. The video will definitely exceed your expectations!
気になるMUSIC VIDEOは、ファッション誌のトップモデルを務める西内らしく26種類のコーディネートに身を包み、“26人の西内まりや”を披露する一方で、「10代の女の子がなりたい顔20歳以下の女優」(2013年11月12日gooランキングより)で1位を獲得するほどのキュートなルックスの西内からは想像のつかないほどのパワフルなギタープレイとドラムパフォーマンスを披露しており、良い意味で世間の予想を裏切る映像作品と言える。
Filming a video was the first experience for her, and it took 17 hours long in total. To make Mariya and her outfits stand out, the background papers were set in all white.
西内にとって初となる自身の楽曲のMUSIC VIDEO撮影は7月上旬に約17時間という長時間行われ、本人と26種類の衣装が目立つよう白バックのセットの中で撮影は行われた。
One of the people concerned the filming commented that “I cannot believe that this is the first time for her filming the video because she performed herself with great dignity. I guess it is all based o her experiences as model and actress”.
Another episode is here. Mariya has practiced guitar so hard independently for guitar solo on interlude part without being advised by anyone. It is said that such her enthusiastic for music astonished the staffs.
The fashion magazine ‘Seventeen’ supervised all the 26 patterns of latest trend outfits, and the photos are contained to the booklet named “Original Style Book supervised by Seventeen”. You can check her outfits with this photo book other than the video.
また、今回の衣装は全て女性ファッション誌「Seventeen」監修の元行われ、26パターンの最新ファッションが集められている。MUSIC VIDEOはもちろんのこと「Seventeen監修 オリジナルスタイルブック」と題されたフォトブックレットの中には26コーディネートに身を包んだ西内が余すところなく詰まっている。
Moreover, the detail information of all the outfits are written in the photo book, so that everyone can refer to her style. It can be said this presents Mariya’s model side and music side both by producing CD with fashion booklet.
Regarding to the music video, Mariya commented, “In the video, I acted every 26 patterns differently almost like none of them are the same, so I hope you would enjoy the differences. Through filming the video, I realized again that I do love fashion,enjoy appearing differently with different fashion. Fashion, I mean not just outfits but also make-up as well, is necessary for girls as it motivate their lives, so I would like to continue mixing fashion with music in my activities”.
MUSIC VIDEOについての西内は「1つ1つの洋服やシーンで気持ちを切り替えて別の自分になった気持ちで撮影に臨んだので26パターンの西内まりやを楽しめると思います。MUSIC VIDEOの撮影をして改めて私はファッションが大好きだし、色んな洋服を着て色んな自分に変われるのが楽しいし、女の子である以上メイクだったり、洋服だったり、おしゃれで気分が変わったり毎日の楽しみが増えたりして、ファッションって1つの生活に欠かせないものだと思うので、今後の歌手活動の中でもファッション性を大事に自分のやってみたいものや伝えていきたいものを大切にしながらやっていきたいです。」とコメントした。
Mariya’s debut as a singer is gathering people’s attention and expected what will happen from now on. She has been dreaming to be a singer for long time, and she practiced dancing and voice training, besides guitar and piano that started when she was a child, though she has been so busy with modeling and acting.
The music video is on YouTube, you can also see backstage shoots from filming on it!
なお、動画共有サイト「YouTube」では、MUSIC VIDEOと初撮影に臨む西内の模様が映されたメイキング映像がミックスされたスペシャルムービーが公開されている。
“LOVE EVOLUTION” Special Movie
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Mariya Nishiuchi official website: http://www.visionfactory.jp/artist/mariya/
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