Omiyage: Japan’s Souvenir Culture

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KUNIKA is a sweets artist. Those of you who like Japanese Kawaii culture, especially fashion, have probably seen one of her works before. The fantasy cute world she creates have moved the hearts of many girls. She is also known for collaborating with many famous artists like KyariPamyuPamyu and AKB48 and even famous fashion brands like JEFFERY CAMPBELL. We went to see KUNIKA’s 5th exhibition “EDEN“.
スイーツアーティスト、KUNIKA。日本のかわいいカルチャー、特にファッションが好きな方なら、彼女の作品をきっと一度は目にした事があるのではないでしょうか? 幻想的で完璧なまでのかわいい世界観で世の女の子の心を鷲掴みにし、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅやAKB48を初めとした有名アーティスト、またJEFFERY CAMBELLなどのファッションブランドとのコラボで一躍話題になりました。そして今回、そんな彼女の5回目の個展「EDEN」に、行ってきました。
It was my first time seeing her artworks, and honestly I didn’t think it would be this amazing! This is all made out of icing! What’s even more amazing that all of this all made by hand just by her! When overlapping colors, without making it completely dry, it would bleed, so she can’t make them all at once. If it is too humid, it won’t dry like usual and before this exhibition, there was a typhoon and she was very worried if her pieces would be complete on time.
彼女の作品を生で見るのは今回が初めてでしたが、まさに圧巻。これ全て、アイシングからできてるんです! しかもなんと、細かい部分まで全て彼女一人の手作業で作られてるというから驚き。色を重ねる際、完全に乾ききってからでないとのせた色がにじんでしまう為、一気に仕上げることもできないそう。湿気が多いと乾き辛いので、台風の時期に重なった今回はかなり慌てました、と笑顔で語ってくれました。
She originally likes pastel colors, creating many light colored cute works, and I think many people have this image. But, in this times exhibition, she tried colors like navy and purple for the first time. Along with her original dreamy kind of pieces, these new works have a new taste creating a fantasy and oriental atmosphere.
KUNIKA told us how she wanted to create something that was unrealistic and something that you wouldn’t see in the natural world as much as possible. In order to create this special works, she is even very picky about the parts she plans to use in her works. She uses parts from friends who specialize in buying antiques from other countries, and even sea shells she picks up at the shore. She wants to use things that are rare as possible.
Even though KUNIKA loves this fantasy world, she also likes nature like the ocean and the sunset. This piece is a picture taken buy KUNIKA when she went diving in the sea at Okinawa. She adds on to just a picture creating another piece of her fantasy world.
これだけファンタジーでアンリアルな世界観を作り込んでいるKUNIKAさんですが、意外にも、意外にも海や夕焼けなど自然が大好きだそう。ちなみにこちらの作品は、KUNIKAさん本人が沖縄の海でダイビングをした際に撮った写真! それにさらに手を加える事で、また新しい世界観へ生まれ変わっています。
No matter where you look or where you take pictures of, it’s full of happiness and cuteness and everything a girl would love. It was like an Eden, just like the name of this exhibition.
She said she wanted more people to know what she is doing, and how they feel when they see her works. No matter who they are, where they come from, I think any girl would definitely think that her works are Kawaii!
It sure will be exciting to see what new and dreamy things she will create!
Time: 13:00-19:30
Entrance Fee:500 yen
Place:notoria Gallery 〒150-0041 Tokyo-to Shibuya-ku Jinnan 1-10-7 Terusu Jinnan 4F
Those who come get an original post card!
Related Sites
KUNIKA OFFICIAL SITE : http://kunimilky.blogspot.jp/
KUNIKA Twitter : https://twitter.com/kunimilky6
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