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Do you know the idol group KAMIYADO? The Kanji is written as the lodging, or yado (宿), where God (神) is. They’re a group that formed last September who are gaining popularity in the indies idol scene.
あなたは「神宿」というアイドルグループをご存知だろうか? 神が宿る場所と書いて「神宿」。 昨年9月に結成され、いまインディーズのアイドルシーンで人気急上昇中のグループだ。
On March 28, they celebrated their 6th month anniversary since their live debut at LIQUIDROOM in Ebisu. On this day, LIQUIDROOM held Live Idol Tokyo 2015 Sponsored by ITOEN. This three idol groups that were able to stand on this event’s stage were the top three of 20 chosen by voters from a campaign that began in December of last year. KAMIYADO was one of the chosen groups, along with IDOL COLLEGE and Omiya IDOLL.
3月28日、神宿はデビューライブから半年の記念日を恵比寿のリキッドルームで迎えた。この日、リキッドルームでは伊藤園が主催するライブイベント「Live Idol Tokyo2015」が開催されていた。このライブは、昨年12月から行われていたキャンペーンで、20組のアイドルが投票で順位を競い、その上位3組が、この日のステージに立てるというもの。神宿はアイドルカレッジ、大宮 IDOLLとともに見事その上位3組に選ばれた。
Sunmyu〜, GEM, and palet – three major idols – made a guest appearance, making this a memorable anniversary for KAMIYADO, as well as a great opportunity to introduce themselves to new fans. After the show, the line for KAMIYADO’s meet and greet seemed to have never ended. It seemed like there were fans who originally went to see other groups whose hearts were captured by KAMIYADO.
KAMIYADO is a 5-member group composed of Mika Ichinose (14, red), Mei Hajima(16, blue), Miki Hajima(18, yellow), Hina Koyama (17, pink), Naho Sekiguchi (16, green). All members were scouted in Harajuku to form a Harajuku-based group. Their name is a combination of the Kanji used in Jingu, Meiji Shrine located in Shibuya, (神宮) and Harajuku (原宿). As you can tell by the number of members and their use of personal colors, they are highly influenced by Momoiro Clover Z (Momoclo). Their songs and performances look very similar to Momoclo’s early days. They captivate fans with their appearances, characters, and providing the best performances. As of now, they have 7 original songs, and on this day they performed “Hissatsu! Cho KAMIYADO Senpu” for the first time, as well as “Zenkai! KAMIYADO World”, “KMYD.” Most of their songs are introductory or self-referential.
神宿は一ノ瀬みか(14・赤)、羽島めい(16・青)、羽島みき(18・黄)、小山ひな(17・ピンク)、関口なほ(16・緑)の5人組。メンバー全員が「原宿」でスカウトされて結成された「原宿発」のアイドルグループで、グループ名の「神宿」は「神宮」と「原宿」を掛けあわせた言葉だ。メンバーの人数や色分けからも分かる通り、神宿はももいろクローバーZの影響を強く受け ており、楽曲やパフォーマンスの面でも、初期のももクロと似たような雰囲気を持っている。メンバーはビジュアルも良く、個々のキャラクターも立っているし、ライブでは全力のパフォーマンスが売りだ。オリジナルの楽曲は現在7曲で、この日初披露された「必殺!超神宿旋風」のほか、「全開!神宿ワールド」「KMYD」など、自己紹介、自己言及的な楽曲が多い。
Another big feature of this group is they are managed by two young college students, rather than managers from a large agency. The people who took initiative and formed the group are the same age (21) as Reni Takagi from Momoclo. Over the past few years, the support for idol groups have grown, but it’s very surprising that the management behind KAMIYADO are the same age as a member from Momoiro Clover Z. While KAMIYADO may still be a small presence in the current idol scene now, they are sure to be part of a much larger wave in the future.
While it may be difficult for overseas fans, watching an idol grow overtime is one of the important elements of enjoying the idols as entertainment.
KAMIYADO is a group with a lot of potential, and the staff here at TGU are looking forward to seeing these girls make progress. Stay tuned!
KAMIYADO Official Site : http://kmyd.info/
KAMIYADO Twitter : https://twitter.com/kamiyado0907
Photos by Yasuhiro Okada
Translated by Misato
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