
Dawn of a New Era: Three Groups Designed to Survive the Return of the “Idol Ice Age”

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Dawn of a New Era: Three Groups Designed to Survive the Return of the “Idol Ice Age”

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Since the latter half of the 2000’s (2005-2009) we have been able to witness a boom in idols that has continued to expand in Japan. Some have said that it has entered into maturity, while others have said that it has already become saturated. AKB48, the group widely credited for the current idol boom, has led to the appearance of groups like JKT48 and their “official rivals” Nogizaka 46 and has brought success to their entire affiliate of groups as well. However, sales of AKB48’s CDs have gradually slowed to a crawl.

Groups like Perfume and Momoiro Clover Z, considered to have crossed over from the idol world into mainstream recognition, have been joined this year by and BABYMETAL, however because the number of idols have increased compared to the number of fans, it is difficult to single any one group out in particular. Given this situation, there are a few groups that I would like to introduce, groups that may be on the outskirts of existing idol groups, groups that came about through different communities, groups that I think will break through from this point on.

The number of “DDs” has been increasing within the ranks of idol fans. “DD”, an abbreviation of “daredemo daisuki” (“I love everyone”), is a general term for an idol fan that follows many groups at the same time. It used to be the norm for fans to like only one idol but now, with fans of the category “idols that sing and dance” growing in number, people called “DD” will go to certain venues on a certain days to look for idols that interest them, becoming regulars at multiple locations.

Due to the increase of “DDs”, the possibility of finding fascinating idols and the speed at which they are being discovered has accelerated but, the liquidity of the “DD” fan is quite high. Without being able to commit to any one place/group, it is difficult for them to expect to mature stably into a core fan of any of them. In contrast, a long-term fan of a group like Perfume, Momoiro Clover Z, or might say things like “I don’t like idols (in general) but I like (this group)” or “I’m not a fan of idols (in general) but I’m a fan of (this idol)”. For “tan oshi” (in charge of supporting a particular member) and “ichi oshi” (the member that the fans wants to support the most) fans, it has become a key for how many they can acquire.

Within that world, I would like to bring attention to groups for people who cannot usually stand idol groups, groups established from an online community, birthed from a parent management company, and founded by an everyday fan, groups that have become the core of their respective communities. These groups are: Niji no Conquistador, drop, and PIP:Platonics Idol Platform.
そんな中で、注目したいのが異なるコミュニティからの参入組、運営の母体が、一般的なアイドルファンの枠とは異なる場所で、すでにファンやコミュニティを持っていて、そこが主体となってアイドルに参入してきているため、初期のファン層がほかのアイドルグループと被らないグループです。ここでは、虹のコンキスタドール、drop、PIP:Platonics Idol Platformの3組を紹介しましょう。

Niji no Conquistador

Niji no Conquistador

Niji no Conquistador (aka Conquistador del arcoíris) is an idol unit created by Tsuku-dol! Project this July. Tsuku-dol! Project is an organization that aims to raise idols, voice actors, illustrators, cosplayers, and creators. They are assisted by powerful creators from various fields: music written by Ken’ichi Maeyamada, choreography by Natsumi Takenaka (PASSPO☆, UPUPGIRLS KARI), costume design by Mel Kishida, creative direction from Maiko Fukushima, and special advising by Seiji Mizushima. Tsuku-dol! Project comes from the online illustrator communication service pixiv. As of February 2014, pixiv had over 10 million memberships and boasts 3.4 billion PVs per month. Despite the long held belief that fans of 2D (anime, manga, games) and 3D (idols) have trouble getting along, they have united to become potential fans of this group.



drop is an idol unit created by Twin Tail Association Japan this June. Twin Tail Association Japan is an organization founded by cameraman and designer Ryo Furutani. Aside from the mandatory website showcasing a large number of beautiful girls with twin tails, it also features serials from fashion magazines and sells photobooks; it is an organization covering a lot of bases and can be said to be the the most knowledgeable about extremely beautiful girls in Japan today. With many beautiful girls participating in Twin Tail Association Japan as idols, actresses, and models, and their many adoring fans, drop act as the icon for that organization.

PIP:Platronics Idol Platform

PIP:Platronics Idol Platform

PIP:Platonics Idol Platform is an idol group produced by information infrastructure researcher Satoshi Hamano. Hamano is an up and coming scholar, who was originally known for his commentary on NHK News. Upon becoming fascinated with the AKB48 “system”, his obsession with the world of idols lead him to establish his own idol group. PIP:Platonics Idol Platform held their first concert this June. Performing in places like office boardrooms and university classrooms, PIP:Platonics Idol Platform distinguishes themselves from other idol groups that don’t have access to those places.
PIP:Platonics Idol Platformは情報環境学者の濱野智史がプロデュースするアイドルグループです。プロデューサーの濱野氏はもともとはNHKでニュース解説なども行っていた新進気鋭の学者、彼が、AKB48の「システム」の魅力にはまったことから、アイドルへの傾倒が始まり、自らアイドルグループを立ち上げ、今年6月にお披露目公演を行いました。企業会議室での定期公演や大学の授業の中での特別ライブなど、ほかのアイドルグループがなかなか入り込めない場所での活動を行っていることがポイントとなります。

These 3 groups that I have mentioned, in any event, have only just started their activities, so it should be compelling to watch their growth with every performance from here on out. However, with the outlook of drawing a line separate from the many other idol groups out there, types of fans, and those who have communities they belong to, from now on, I will have more than enough groups that are attracting a lot of attention with potential to grow to tell you about.

Related Links
Niji no Conquistador/ Conquistador del arcoíris
Official site:

Official site:

PIP: Platonics Idol Platform
Official site:

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Yasuhiro Okada

Editor/Writer – Co-author (with Shinshi Okajima) of “Group Idol Shinkaron” (Evolutionary Theory of Idol Groups), one of the first books to analyze the “Idol Warring States Period” (popular media term for the current idol boom in Japan). Author of the book “Idol no iru Kurashi”(Living With Idols), a collection of interviews talking about idols from the perspective of idol fans.