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One of the challenges for many fans of Japanese idols, and pop cultural in general is that almost everything is in Japanese, and even if you start taking Japanese classes, most of the content is boring and not particularly useful. Thankfully, there are an increasing number of books being written about idols so you don’t have to dig through endless blogs or articles to be able to discuss them intelligently anymore!
Natsumi Takenaka, the choreographer behind some of the amazing dance routines of PASSPO☆, UPUPGIRLS (KARI), Yumemiru Adolescence, predia, and Niji no Conquistador has a book “Idol = Heroine~Utatte Odoru Tatakau Onna no Ko ga iru Kagiri, Sekai wa Utsukushii~” (Idol=Heroine~ Because There are Singing Dancing Fighting Idols, The World is Beautiful) going on sale January 20, 2015.
Featuring Miss iD 2014 winner Jun Aonami on the cover, “Idol = Heroine” expands on the concept of “heroines that transform and fight” (Tatakau Henshin Heroine) from the second chapter of Takenaka’s previous book “IDOL DANCE!!!” (2012). She analyzes how female idols captivate audiences, specifically female fans, in the expanding battlefield of Japan. In analyzing the attraction of female idols to female fans, he compares the idols to “magical girls” like Sailor Moon in their ability to transform and “fight” through their performances.
In the latter half of the book, Takenaka introduces the ways that female fans enjoy idols, leading with a roundtable discussion with noted female idol fans: Nayumi Ninomiya, Momoko Oguchi, and Reina Hikasa. She then reports on events held by Yumemiru Adolescence aimed at female fans and an “idol daydream talk” with Hikasa, Ameko Kodama, and idol Seiko Omori. Takenaka concludes with a discussion with composers Hyadain and Yusuke Koide.
“Idol = Heroine~Utatte Odoru Tatakau Onna no Ko ga iru Kagiri, Sekai wa Utsukushii~” is a book about the current idol boom of Japan overflowing with insider perspectives. While some of the Japanese may be difficult at first, the topic should prove to be far more interesting than a lot of the readings assigned in higher level Japanese classes. Why not pick up some outside reading that will actually help you when you come check out the idol scene in Japan?
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Pot Publishing Official Website : http://www.pot.co.jp/
Natsumi Takenaka Twitter : https://twitter.com/723takenaka
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