Virtual VOCALOID Artist “IA” Takes “IA PARTY A GO-GO” World Screening Caravan!

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IA, released on January 27, 2012 for VOCALOID(TM)3 (a speech synthesis system and audio library software) has been performing as a virtual artist with high ratings by users and people of the industry and performed in North America for the first time with tremendous success.
On Fourth of July (Saturday), IA took a big step. She performed at Club Nokia in Downtown LA for ANIME EXPO PRESENTS COOL JAPAN FESTIVAL held during ANIME EXPO 2015 in California. 2000 fans traveled to the venue and tickets were sold out. The anticipation of the fans drowned the venue as fans in IA shirts got emotional and started tearing up as the start time crawled in closer. As the background music faded away, loud cheers could be heard as IA’s show began.
The opening video played, and IA’s artist logo appeared. Fans in the front row held pink penlights -IA’s color-and raised their arms, as if blessing the concert.
The opening song for the show was “Inner Arts.” IA appeared center stage in a white dress as she followed the profound sound by the band members. The stage was set up to allow IA to politely greet her local fans to the left and the right as she sang on stage.
The second song was “Circuit DISCO.” IA Dancers made their entrance as they danced perfectly in sync with IA and she quickly changed into a summery sleeveless outfit. As the song ended, she energetically greeted the crowd with “It’s nice to meet you! I’m IA. Please enjoy the show!” Every time IA waved her hands at the crowd, thunderous cheers could be heard.
During the middle of the concert, IA’s standard dance number continued, and the venue’s voltage reached its climax. She perfectly showcased her specialty in dancing during the the music interlude.
A Kagerou Project video played during the second half of the show, and continued with multi-creator Jin’s rock number: “Children Record” and “Outer Science”. Then IA changed into her original costume, which many fans in the crowd could be seen cosplaying.
Afterwards, during the MC, IA excitedly told the crowd about how much fun she was having performing in North America for the first time, and in response “IA-chan” could be heard from the fans. She performed “America ~We are all right!~” as her last song and during this performance, IA introduced her band members, dancers, and herself as IA ALL STARS and performed in unison. The fans in Club Nokia also became one during the chorus.
As soon as IA exited the stage, fans cheered for an encore and IA reappeared on stage. She vowed to continue to sing in for her fans in the future, and as she completed her encore, she yelled “See you soon!” into the stage as she exited the stage once again.
IA’s variety in music was beautifully showcased in this first concert. It ended as a great success, and we can definitely look forward to her next overseas concerts.
Related links
IA official site : http://1stplace.co.jp/ia/artist/
Anime Expo 2015 official site : http://www.anime-expo.org/
Photo by Kaori Suzuki
Translated by Misato
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