Hanae Releases Digest Movie of All Songs in Her Upcoming Album “Jyokyo Shoko”

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Hanae has released MV for “S-T-A-R-S“, which will be included in her second full album “Jyoko Shoko” (release date:March 4th).
This MV looks very new to Hanae, as she is mainly known for cute and pop songs. In the song “S-T-A-R-S”, she describes girls’ delicate mind who moved up to Tokyo as she herself originally grew up in Fukuoka and came to Tokyo. She challenges rapping for the first time in the song, and expresses her emotions straightly.
She will hold release events in Tokyo and Osaka in March, so don’t miss the chances to see her performance!
Events information
March 4th/ Tokyo, Shibuya
Venue: OIOI City Shibuya, 1F Storefront plaza special stage
Start: 18:30~
March 6th/ Osaka, Sakae
Venue: HMV Sakae event space
Start : 19:00~
March 8th/ Tokyo, Shibuya
Venue: Tower Record Shibuya, 1F event space
March 29th/ Osaka, Abeno
Venue:Abeno Hoop, 1F Open air plaza
See more details on Hanae’s Official Site! http://hanae-web.com/
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