Have you ever stepped into a girl’s room? Girls are hard to understand, and it probably takes forever to understand. However, there is a quick way to discover them, simply – just go into their room.
A room can show a real person’s lifestyle, habits, interests, and of course, whether they are dirty or not. And the accuracy comes more precise towards Japanese people where they don’t frequently move to new places, so often their belongings sit around there for a long time, and as time grows, more stuff pops up which adds more collective data.
A brilliant photographer Kawamoto Shiori decided to capture pictures of multiple girls’ rooms, to show their true form under the naked lens. The chosen girls come from various kind of backgrounds like singers, models, underground idols, housewives, waitresses, manga artists, and maids, all featuring their private rooms and themselves.
Kawamoto Shiori’s “Girl Room photography” sells for 2,484 yen on Amazon. A total of 102 different girls you can closely discover.
We bring the latest news of Japanese girls' culture from Japan to all over the world! Here are hot topics about KyaryPamyuPamyu, AKB48, Hello!Project, and other cute Jpop artists. Everybody wanna be KAWAii, and wotaku in whole world, cheeeeeeeer UP!