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FES☆TIVE is powering up for the 2017 festival season with the addition of 2 new members Piano Shiraishi and Saria Mano, who made their debut during the birthday concert of Hinari Aoba at Shinjuku BLAZE on January 19th. This comes one week after the graduations of Akari Shiina and Honami Yokoi, returning the group to an 8-member formation.
Saria Mano (真野彩里愛)
Birthdate: June 7, 2000
Birthplace: Saitama, Japan
Member Color: white
Hobbies: dance, eating limited edition foods
Special skills: elastic skin, table-tennis
Message: Because I love idols, I started dance, and on average I take 1-3 lessons a day! I love to eat! People tend to say, “She looks serious but she’s weird”, about me (laugh). Because I’m an obsessive type of person, even now I still love the first idol I ever liked.
アイドルが好きで、なりたくてダンスを始め、ほぼ毎日1~3レッスン受けています! 食べることも大好きです! 周りからは“真面目だけど変だよね”と言われます(笑)。熱中するタイプで、初めて好きになったアイドルが今でも1番好きです。
Saria Mano Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Saria_FESTIVE
Piano Shiraishi (白石ぴあの)
Birthdate: August 20, 1996
Birthplace: Philippines
Member Color: pink
Special skill: rebounding
Previous work: Twin Tail Association Japan, tokimeki project, salon modeling
Message: My dream is to become an idol beloved by men and women. I will work hard every day to make that dream come true even just 1 day sooner!
男女ともに好かれる、一人前のアイドルになるのが夢です! 1日でも早く夢がかなうように、日々努力しています!
Piano Shiraishi Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Piano_FESTIVE
Related Links
FES☆TIVE Official site: http://festive.rizepro.net/
FES☆TIVE Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/FESTIVE_RIZE
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