CHEERZ × Miss iD : An Interview with yAmmy

CHEERZ, the app for cheering on your favorite idols, isn’t just limited to Japanese, and is available in English and Chinese (Traditional), as well as French, and is used by idol fans around the world. As part of a campaign, every month at TGU, we interview CHEERZ’s monthly ranked top three girls.
Our idols have just finished wrapping up a very busy summer, and now fall is upon us. When people think of fall, they often associate it with it “autumn appetites” (“shokuyoku no aki”) and being “the season of the arts” (“geijutsu no aki”), so today that’s what we’ll be interviewing Karin Ochi from Stand-Up! Hearts, Sheena from Tokyo CLEAR’S, and Mai Kotone about!
アイドルの皆さんにとって大忙しの夏が終わり、秋がきました。秋と言えば日本では「食欲の秋」「芸術の秋」と言われていますので、今回はその事を中心に、Stand-Up! Heartsの越智かりんさん、東京CLEAR’Sのしいなさん、そして小桃音まいさんの3名にインタビューをさせて頂きました!
– To start off, could you please introduce yourselves?
Karin: I’m Karin from Stand-Up! Hearts. I’m 17 and in my second year of high school. Everyone calls me Ochi-chan or Ochi. Recently in the group I’ve become the one everyone picks on. (laugh)
越智:Stand-up! Heartsの越智かりんです。高校二年生17歳です。みんなからおちちゃんとかおちって呼ばれています。グループ内では最近いじられキャラになってきてます(笑)。
Sheena: Nice to meet you, I’m Sheena from the cleaning unit Tokyo CLEAR’S. Please call me Shee-chan.
しいな: お掃除ユニット東京CLEAR’Sのしいな(Sheena)です、よろしくお願いします。しいちゃんって呼んでください。
Mai: I’m Mai Kotone, a Great Migration kind of idol. People usually call me Mainya, but because we’ve already got Ochi-chan and Shee-chan, I’d like to be Mai-chan for today.
小桃音 : 民族大移動系アイドルの小桃音まいです。まいにゃって呼ばれているんですけど、おちちゃん、しいちゃんってきてるのでじゃぁまいちゃんで今日お願いします。
– First of all, on the topic of autumn appetites, could you tell us what your favorite foods are?
Mai: I love karaage (Japanese-style fried chicken), and even had some Karaage-kun (popular bite-size fried chicken sold at a convenience store called Lawson) before I came here today.
小桃音 : 私は唐揚げが好きで、今日も来る前にからあげクンを食べてきました。
– So you like Karaage-kun, too?
Mai: I do. But Karaage-kun feels more like a snack, so today I had some after lunch. But there times I eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, too.
小桃音 : そうですね。でもからあげクンをはおやつ感覚なので、お昼ご飯食べたうえで間食としてからあげクンを今日は食べました。たまに朝昼晩食べちゃう時もあって。
– Really? But it’s so heavy.
Mai: Maybe if it were something like tonkatsu (Japanese-style pork cutlets) it might feel heavy, but I don’t eat anything like that; karaage doesn’t make me feel that way at all.
小桃音 : いや、多分とんかつとかだともたれるし、そういう系は全然食べないんですけど、唐揚げは大丈夫なんですよね。
– Is there any karaage you’d recommend to our overseas readers?
Mai: My favorite is the karaage bento (lunch box) from Origin. There are two different flavors, so you can enjoy comparing the two. One is salted and the other is flavored with soy sauce. You can try both and then decide which one you like better.
小桃音 : 一番はオリジン弁当の唐揚げが好きです。ちゃんと味が二種類あって、食べ比べられるようになっているんですよ。塩味と醤油味があるので。両方食べて、どっちがお好みかっていうのを自分で選べるんで。
– That’s a good tip. They have Origin all over Japan, which means overseas visitors can enjoy it, too.
Sheena: How can you eat that much karaage and still be so thin…?
Everyone: Yeah, we want to know!
一同 聞きたい!
Mai: My body type seems to be one that doesn’t gain weight easily. Even when I go out to eat with staff, I always eat the most. But I’m really envious of Westerners with their curves! Because whenever I go abroad people always mistaken me for a kid… (laugh) I started eating chicken, or karaage, because I heard it would make your bust size grow. You’ve heard myths like that before, right?
小桃音 : あんまり太らない体質みたいで。スタッフさんとかとご飯行っても一番食べるの自分で。でも、ボン!キュッ!ボン!みたいな海外の人みたいなのに憧れてます、本当は。海外行くと子供に思われちゃうのでそういうのになりたいんですけど……(笑)。鶏肉、唐揚げを食べると胸が大きくなるって聞いて食べ始めたのがきっかけなんですが。そういう言い伝えありますよね?
Everyone: Totally. (laughs)
一同 あるある(笑)。
Mai: I heard this one when I was a high school student and I thought, “This sounds awesome!” and started eating chicken, and then realized how delicious it was! After that I started eating it every day.
小桃音 : 高校生くらいの時に知って「これはすごいぞ」と思って食べるようになったら、めちゃくちゃおいしいなって! そこから毎日食べるようになったんですよ。
– Wow! So did it work?
すごい! それ効果ありました?
Mai: I can’t say that it did… But I want to keep trying it for a little while longer.
小桃音 : いや、今のところ効果は出てなくて……。もうちょっと続けたいなと思っています。
– I hope you see some results! Thanks for your input. How about you, Sheena?
Sheena: I think Japanese vegetables and fruits are really good. So I want to appeal to everyone by saying Japanese vegetables are delicious. When I was a little girl, I used to each the vegetables my grandmother grew in her fields. I definitely would like overseas visitors to try them. Like please have some Japanese vegetables when you visit.
しいな: 野菜とか果物が多分日本ってすごく美味しいと思うんですよ。日本の野菜は美味しいよ、っていうのをアピールしたいですね。子供の頃からおばあちゃんが畑で作った野菜を食べていたので。その美味しい野菜を海外の人に是非食べて欲しいんですよ。日本に来たら、日本の野菜を食べてと言いたい。
– So what’s your favorite vegetable?
Sheena: Ahhh, I have too many! I like leafy greens like lettuce.
しいな: えー、ありすぎてどうしよう!葉野菜が好きなのでレタスとか。
– Thanks. And what about you, Karin?
Karin: If we’re talking fall foods, then I’m totally addicted to chestnuts. I just had some chestnut taiyaki. (Taiyaki is a fish-shaped cake.)
越智: 秋の食べ物だったら、栗にはまってて。さっきも栗のたい焼き食べてきたんですよ。
– Chestnut taiyaki?! That’s not something you see every day. So your favorite dishes are ones with chestnut?
栗のたい焼き!? 珍しい。では栗系の料理で一番お好きなのは?
Karin: It’s a little out of season, but my favorite is eating kuri kinton (candied chestnuts with sweet potato) during New Year’s. Like you know how when you visit your grandmothers house and she makes osechi (traditional New Year’s food)? I would always eat all the kuri kinton by myself, so she would always prepare a special plate of it just for me. (laugh)
越智: 季節がちょっと違うんですけど、お正月にある栗きんとんが一番好きなんです。おばあちゃん家とかでおせちとか作ってくれるじゃないですか。一人で全部食べちゃうんで、あたしだけ別の容器で栗きんとんをいつも用意してくれるんですよ。(笑)
– You must really love it. (laugh)
Karin: So I would like overseas visitors to give it a try.
– It’s something unique to Japan. Moving on, after “autumn appetites” comes “the season for the arts”. I’d like you all to draw us a picture. Are any of you good at drawing? No one, huh. (laugh) Okay, well how about drawing Doraemon (a popular children’s anime character) for us?
日本ならではですもんね。では食欲の秋の次は芸術の秋ということで。今回はみなさんにお絵かきに挑戦して頂こうと思います。ちなみに絵を書くのが得意って方はいらっしゃいますか? ……いないですね(笑)。 今回はドラえもんを書いてもらいます。
Karin: When I was in elementary school I used to practice drawing Doraemon all the time.
Sheena: I don’t think I can draw a neat circle.
Mai: I know what you mean!
小桃音 : わかります!!
Sheena: Does yours look all bent out of shape?
Mai: I can’t do it at all!
小桃音 : 絶対無理。
– That’s because they say you can’t be good at drawing if you can’t draw a clean circle. (laugh)
Mai: Isn’t that because the body will look all bent out of shape? (laugh) Now everyone will know how bad I am.
小桃音 : 体が歪んでるからじゃないですか?(笑)癖が出ちゃいますよね。
– You have three minutes! Ready, start!
Sheena: Mine already looks weird…
Mai: Does Doraemon have big eyes or small eyes?
小桃音 : ドラえもんって目大きいですっけ、小さいですっけ?
Karin: I think people would get angry if I call my drawing as Doraemon.
越智: ドラえもんとか言ったら怒られる気がしてきました。
Mai: Does Doraemon have a nose? He does, right?
小桃音 : 鼻ありますっけ? あるな。
– Half of the time has already passed, so you only have a minute and 30 seconds left.
— 半分になりましたよ、残り1分半になりました。
Mai: I remember now! He does have a nose!
小桃音 : 分かった!鼻がついてる!
Karin; I’m finished.
– That was fast. That’s Karin for you. There’s still 30 more seconds.
Mai: I can’t draw his body at all.
小桃音 : 体が書けないー。
– Okay, time’s up! Let’s see each of your drawings. How about you go first, Sheena?
—では終了です! 発表は一人ずつ行きましょうか。まず、しいなさんから宜しいでしょうか?
Sheena: (shows her drawing)
Everyone claps.
一同 拍手
Sheena: Does it resemble him? They won’t get angry? What a relief!
– I think it’s very sincere. It shows your respect for them!
Mai: It’s a well-drawn picture by a good artist.
小桃音 : 絵が上手い人の絵ですよね。
– Mai, you’re next.
Mai: I’m feeling confident. Here it is!
小桃音 : 自信ありますよ。これです!
– It’s kinda close to his real form… And this is the take-copter (The Hopter), right?
Mai: That’s right! I thought I would try to add something like that.
小桃音 : そうです!それっぽさを出そうと思って。
– But you got his body and his pocket, and it’s not too far off. Thank you. Now it’s your turn, Karin.
Karin: It’s been awhile since I’ve drawn anything… I think it turned out cute, though!
越智: 久しぶりに絵を書いたんで……でもかわいいですよ!
– So let’s see it!
Karin: Ready, go!
Everyone: Cute…?!
一同 かわいい…(!?)
– Great, thank you very much.
Everyone laughs.
一同 (笑)
– That’s all.
Mai: That was fast!(laugh)
小桃音 : 早い!(笑)
Karin: I thought there must be some color that goes here. Then I remembered it’s supposed to be red. And this is yellow. I accidently made the nose blue. But the last time I draw Doraemon was when I was in elementary school. This is what happened after not drawing after such a long time.
– Thank you. We plan on giving it to one lucky overseas fan as a present.
To enter the drawing: contact@tokyogirlsupdate.com
Subject: CHEERZ Interview Present
Please include your address, name, and contact number in the e-mail.
*The winner will be randomly selected.
– Thank you all for your effort. It really went along with the “season of the arts” theme. Next, I’d like you to tell us about something that really cheers you up.
Karin: Natto (fermented soybeans). Lately I’ve been eating it every day. I eat it with sushi vinegar and soy sauce, but with more vinegar than soy sauce.
– Do you eat it for breakfast?
Karin: I have it for breakfast and dinner. Lately, instead of eating it with rice, I’ve been eating my mom’s natto omelettes. I love natto so much that before I used to buy it on the way to school. But when I’d eat it for lunch at school, my friends would go, “It stinks! This is the first time we’ve ever seen someone eat natto at school!”
越智: 朝と夜食べますね。最近はご飯と食べるよりも、お母さんが作る納豆オムレツを食べてます。納豆が好きすぎて前に学校行く途中に納豆買っていったんですよ。でお昼に学校で食べてたら友達に「臭い!臭い!臭い!学校で納豆食べてる人初めて見た!」って言われて。
– It’s not something you really eat out in public. (laugh) You went to an all-girls high school, right?
Karin: Yeah, it was an all-girls school. I would think, but it’s okay if it’s just natto, right? Just let me have my natto! (laugh)
越智: はい、でも女子校なんで。納豆くらいいいだろ、納豆くらい食べさせてくれよ。って思って(笑)。
– And you, Sheena?
Sheena: Ta-da!
しいな: じゃん!
Mai: Cute! What is it~
小桃音 :かわいい!なにこれ〜
Sheena: My birthday was on September 16th, and I received it from a fan.
しいな: 私9月の16日が誕生日だったんですけど。ファンの方がくれたんです。
Everyone: Wow!
一同 すごーい!
Sheena: They gave one to each of the other CLEAR’S members, too. It always lifts my spirits. Things done by hand always feel special. I get a lot of energy from it. They also made a banner for us, and went around collecting signatures from everyone else not on the banner. With so many people cheering us on, it really keeps me going. It’s reassuring that we have so many friends.
しいな: 各地のClear’sの方の分も、集めてきてくたんですよ。すごく元気もらえるんです。手書きのものって、やっぱり特別ですよね。相当元気もらえます。あと横断幕も作ってもらって、それにここに載ってない人たちのサインも集めてきてくれたり。沢山の人が応援してくれるのが励みになります。仲間がこれだけいるっていうのも心強い。
– That’s a really good story you’ve shared with us. How wonderful.
Sheena: It’s really important to me. It’s my treasure.
– That’s the perfect answer coming from an idol. (laugh)
Everyone laughs.
一同 笑い
– Thank you. And finally, what about you, Mai?
Mai: Let’s see. Recently I’ve been going back and forth to Taiwan, and this December I’ll fly there again. I read Chinese books when I want to cheer myself up. It makes me want to study harder and do my best, so studying Chinese gives me energy.
小桃音 : 私はですね。最近台湾にちょっとずつ行かせてもらえるようになってきて、また今度12月にも行くこと決まったんですが。自分を奮い立たせるために中国語の本を読んでいます。もっと勉強して頑張ろうって思えるので、中国語の勉強をすることで元気をもらってます。
– Have you learned a lot?
Mai: Not much yet. (laugh)
小桃音 : いや、まだ全然です(笑)
Sheena: But she really has a lot of pages dog-eared!
しいな: でも、すごいドッグイヤーとかしてありますね!
Mai: Yeah. (laugh) When I first went to Taiwan it was for a performance during this year’s tour, but even though it was my first time it was more like a solo concert.
小桃音 : そうなんです(笑)。台湾に初めて行かせてもらったのが今年のツアーの中での1公演だったんですけど、初めて行くのにいきなりワンマンだったんです。
– It was, wasn’t it! A solo concert despite it being your first time!
そうなんですね! 初めて行くのにワンマンライブ!
Mai: Exactly! So I felt really uneasy. Like oh my god, what should I do. But when I actually went on stage, about 90% of the fans were Taiwanese, and a lot of people came out to see me. I memorized a lot of Chinese, but I couldn’t put together what I wanted to say very well. But during the performance, a fan called out to me in Japanese saying, “It’s okay to use Japanese, Mai!” I said things like, “Yesterday I came to Taiwan and ate this and this,” and it was like everyone understood me; it was that kind of solo show, and it made me want to try and learn more Chinese for next time so I began taking a Chinese class. Last time I was there, I sang part of the lyrics to one of my songs, “Dreamscape☆”, in Chinese. Everyone was really happy about that, so it made me want to do my best to be able to communicate well in Taiwan next time.
小桃音 : そうなんですよ!だからすごく不安で。もう、どうしようと思ってたんです。でも実際に行ったら会場の9割が台湾の方で、たくさんの人が来てくれてて。一応中国語も色々覚えていったんですけど、あまり伝えられなくて。しかも途中から「まいにゃ日本語で大丈夫だよー!」ってファンの人が日本語で言ってくれて。「昨日台湾に来て、こういうものを食べました」っていうのを全部日本語で話したら台湾の人たちが全部理解してくれる、っていう感じのワンマンだったので、次までにはもっと覚えたいと思って中国語教室にも通っています。前回行った時は、「Dreamscape☆」っていう曲の一部分を中国語に直して歌いました。すごく喜んでもらえたので、次も台湾でちゃんとコミュニケーション取れるように頑張ろうと思っています。
– What would you say the hardest part about Chinese is? For example, the intonation.
Mai: There are four different ways to pronounce things, but if the pronunciation changes, it also changes the meaning, so I keep practicing the pronunciation on my own so I can remember the sound and that doesn’t happen.
小桃音 : 四声っていう4つの基本の発音があるんですけど、これが変わるだけで全く意味が変わるらしいので、それを間違えないために何回も自分で繰り返して発音して、音を覚えるようにしています。
– But they say that if you practice Chinese, your singing will get better! It’ll give you better pitch.
Mai: That’s right; my teacher said that Chinese was like a song.
小桃音 : そうなんです、先生も中国語は歌と同じだって言ってました。
– Do you have a favorite Chinese word?
Mai: Um, a favorite word? Zhēnzhū nǎichá!
小桃音 : えー、好きな単語ですか?珍珠奶茶(ゼンチュウナイチャー)!
– And what does it mean?
Mai: It means tapioca milk tea!
小桃音 : タピオカミルクティー!
Everyone laughs.
一同 笑い
Mai: Taiwanese tapioca milk tea is really good! There’s a shop called ChunShuiTang that’s even opened in Japan, and I love it! I made it a goal of being able to order there by myself last time I went there when I was in Taiwan. When I told them, “Zhēnzhū nǎichá,” they answered, “Okay, okay,” and it made me really happy. (laugh)
小桃音 : 台湾のタピオカミルクティーが本当に美味しくて!日本にも上陸した春水堂ってお店があるんですけど、それがめちゃくちゃ大好きで!一人で注文するのを目標に前回台湾でお店に行ったんです。そうしたら、「珍珠奶茶(ゼンチュウナイチャー) 」って言ったら、「あー、オッケーオッケー」って言って出してくれたので、すごく嬉しかったです(笑)。
And finally, it’s time for our CHEERZ pair photo-taking corner! I think all of you great at taking your own selfies, but this time you’ve taken CHEERZ pictures of each other instead.
それでは最後に、相手のCHEERZ写メプロデュースコーナー! 今回インタビューさせて頂いた皆さんはアイドルの中でも特に自撮りが上手い方々という事ですが、ここでは逆に相手のCHEERZ写メをかわいく撮ってもらいました。
(Photographer) Sheena → (Model) Karin
I took a picture of Karin with her cute Doraemon, because it would be a waste not to, and now it looks even cuter! Ah, give me a big hug Doraemon! So cute!
せっかくなので、かわいいドラえもんとおちちゃんを一緒に撮ったらよりかわいいかなと思って! あ、もうドラえもんを抱きしめてください! かわいいです!
(Photographer) Mai → (Model) Sheena
When you think of CLEAR’S, you think of cleaning, right? (To the CHEERZ staff) You don’t happen to have a vacuum cleaner… Do you? Thank you! It really matches the color of her knitted top and I think the picture came out looking very Sheena-like.
Clear’sさんと言えば、やっぱりお掃除じゃないですか? (CHEERZのスタッフに)掃除機とかってありますかね……あ、あります? ありがとうございます! ニットの色とも意外に合ってて、しいなさんらしい写真が撮れた気がします。
(Photographer) Karin → (Model) Mai
I heard that Mai’s fans bring flags, so I made an impromptu one! (laugh) I don’t know which one came out the best… Maybe this one?
まいにゃさんのファンが旗を持ってるって話を聞いて、即席ですけど作ってもらいました(笑)! どの撮り方が1番いいのか迷うけど……これがいいかな?
Related links
CHEERZ : https://cheerz.cz/
Stand-Up! Hearts official site : http://stand-up-project.jp/hearts.html
CLEAR’S official site : http://clearsosouj2.wix.com/kirei
Mai Kotone official site : http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Artist/A024441.html
Read more CHEERZ interviews
vol.1 : Motoko Nakane (STARMARIE), Hikari Takiguchi (drop), and Kokoro Shinozaki (petit pas!)
vol.2 : Hikari Takiguchi (drop), Narumi Katase (notall), and Yuna Sakamoto (FES☆TIVE)
vol.3 : Mashilo Suzukawa (Stand-Up! Hearts), Honami Yokoi (FES☆TIVE), and Reina Tasaki (notall)
Vol.4 : Yuuyu Arata (Stand-Up! Hearts),Shiori Mizuhara ( Aoyama☆Saint Hacha Mecha High School),and Kira Osaki (Shibuya DOMINION)
Translated by Jamie Koide
Photo by Nathan Gey
Website : http://www.nathangey.com/
Facebook page :https://www.facebook.com/NathanGeyPhotography