5th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

Idol Cheering App, “CHEERZ” is recognized by its multilingual; Japanese, English, Chinese, and French will be added soon, application. “CHEERZ” is now tying up with TGU, and promoting an interview for the top-three idols every month.
Read #1 interview : http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/featured/cheerz-interview-vol1.html
アイドル応援アプリ、”CHEERZ”。日本語だけでなく英語、中国語(繁体字)に対応していて、フランス語ももうすぐ追加されるというワールドワイドな展開を見せる注目のアプリです。 TGUでは、CHEERZとのキャンペーンランキングで上位に入った3名に、毎月インタビューを行っています! 1回目のインタビューはこちら:http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/featured/cheerz-interview-vol1.html
Second interview is unfolded with Hikari Takiguchi from drop, continuously interviewing from the preceding interview, Narumi Katase from notall, and Yuna Sakamoto from FES☆TIVE. The theme is about anime and manga. In the second half, the idols would be producing each other’s photo for CHEERZ! We also questioned the recent “CHEER”ing events or materials.
Hikari Takiguchi (drop)
Narumi Katase (notall)
Yuna Sakamoto (FES☆TIVE)
-Nice to meet you guys. So, this month we want to talk about “anime and manga”. Starting from anime, does anybody have favorite anime?
-よろしくお願いします! 今月のテーマ「アニメ・マンガ」についてお話を聞ければなと思っています!まずはアニメについて。好きなものがある方はいますか?
Sakamoto: The one that I can’t quit watching is “One Piece”! I record it and watch it in my weekends. My mother’s sister has every volume of the manga, so I read the manga before watching. This is like my habit now(laugh).
坂元:いつも観ているのはワンピースです! 録画して、休みの日にまとめて観たりしますね。マンガも、お母さんの妹の家に全巻あるので、アニメを観る前にマンガでも読んでます。これがいつのまにか習慣みたいになっていて……(笑)。
Takiguchi: I like the anime film called “Toki wo kakeru Shojo(The Girl Who Leapt Through Time)”. I reflected myself as the heroine, who is a high school girl just like me. It taught me a lesson that time cannot come back, so I have to live each second with care. It really influenced me in a way that it taught me a lesson that it is no use crying over spilt milk.
-“Toki wo kakeru Shojo” might be wide known in people in the states and France since it was released there too.
All: Really!? WOW!!
全員:え~! そうなんだ!!
Takiguchi: Also, “Byosoku 5centimeters” is an anime about love and adolescent, and I like that too. It is not a happy ending, but the realness that is drawn in the story is what I like.
滝口: あと、『秒速5センチメートル』っていう恋愛とか青春を描いたアニメも好きです。あんまりハッピーエンドじゃないんですけど、その切なさがリアルでいいなって思います。
Katase: I don’t have a good knowledge about anime nor manga, but the only anime I love is “Sailormoon”! I loved it since I was born and sometimes think that I was born to watch “Sailor Moon”. My dream was to become Sailor Moon when I was young and wanted to be just like Usagi Tsukino. I also watched all of the musical series, and of course the “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal”!
片瀬:私はアニメとかマンガにあんまり詳しくないんですけど、唯一大好きなのがセーラームーンで! 生まれた瞬間から好きで。自分はセーラームーンのために生まれたんじゃないかってくらい好きで。小さい頃からの夢がセーラームーンになることで、月野うさぎちゃんみたいになりたいってずっと思ってました。ミュージカルも全部観ています。今、東京MXでやってる「美少女戦士セーラムーンCrystal」ももちろん観ています!
Sakamoto: I also am! Recording it perfectly!! lol
坂元:私も観てます! 録画してます!(笑)
Takiguchi: But haven’t the voice’s changed?
Katase: Yes, except for Usagi-chan… But that is the anime that I have got into in the recent 10years.
-I see. Sailor Moon is an anime which was first on aired 20years ago, but many young people love it too, right?
All: Yes, we do!
-Which character do you like the best?
Takiguchi: I love Mercury. It happens that I tend to like girls who have blue eyes. I originally love blue for the first place, and before the debut of drop, I begged to the producer to make my member color blue.
Sakamoto: I like Usagi-chan. My eyes go on to her. I might like a character that is remarkable. When buying character goods, I decide to buy Sailor Moon goods.
Katase: Of course Usagi-chan, but I like the character called Sailor Saturn.
Sakamoto: Oh, I know! (laugh) That purple girl!
Katase: Yes, I love her darkness and mysteriousness. She is my “oshi-men”.
-I understand that you guys all love Sailor Moon, but what makes Sailor Moon so attractive?
Takiguchi: Hmm… it might be the admiration of having specific magical power, fighting, and saving everyone. I felt it is cool and at the same time, kawaii.
Katase: That is so true. I like that guardian like style.
-Idol and Sailor Moon is said that both are similar. Like the part where they all have member colors, fighting together as a member, and costuming…
All: Ohh! That is true!
-By the way, do you guys not just watch anime but read manga?
Sakamoto: I really like “Switch Girl”! The bald depiction of what real girls look like is very funny. Like switching the on and off at school and at home. I believe that many idols do have those switches too lol. For example, in front the heroine might say that she loves strawberry, but in reality she likes stinking fish lol.
坂元:『スイッチガール』はすごく好きです! 女子の裏の姿を結構せきららに描いてるお話なんですけど、すごく面白くって。オンとオフを切り替えるみたいな。多分アイドルにもこういうオンとオフがあると思ってて(笑)。例えば、表では「いちごが好きです」って言ってるのに、ほんとは「くさや」が好きとか(笑)。
-Do you switch your on and off button all the time, Sakamoto-san? (laugh)
Sakamoto: I think I’m always in an off mode! I don’t make characters that much. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? (laugh)
-I think you are good the way you are lol. I heard that Takiguchi-san loves girl’s comic.
Takiguchi: Yes, I do! I love to day dream, and when reading girl’s comics, my heart can’t stop pounding! My recommended girl’s comic is called “Hana ni Kedamono”. The illustration is just wonderful, and there are boys that are sexy or man’s man.
-(Google images) Is it this?
Takiguchi: Yes, this! It’s so cute! The story is about a reverse harem where three boys fall in love with the heroine.
-That is a luxurious life lol.
Takiguchi: Yes, I like the situation where the readers know how the heroine feels, but the boys don’t. I want to push the boys to recognize her feelings lol. It is so frustrating at the same time.
-I see. It was interesting to know that you are not imagining yourself as the heroine.
Takiguchi: I would do that when it is a story of a girl and a boy, but there are too much boys that I cannot handle. It is too good for me lol.
Takiguchi: Oh, and there is a manga called “Hatsukoi Monster”, which is very funny. High school girl falls in love with a boy, however was a 5th grade school kid.
All: Wait, what? Lol
全員:え? え?(笑)
Takiguchi: The heroine confessed her love to him, and gets a reply saying “What are you gonna do if you knew that I am an elementary school kid?” But it was a love at first sight for her, so she couldn’t give up. This boy continuously says things that make the girl’s heat pounding. For example, he says that “we are going over there” and takes her to play dodge ball, or “let’s do something dangerous” and takes a nap.
-The actions are elementary school kid thinks (laugh).
Takiguchi: But when he kisses her, he kisses on her lips, not her cheeks by saying that the cheek is the wrong place!! It includes comedy part so, it is very interesting to read!
-It is considerably intense… but sounds interesting! Katase-san, do you have some kind of manga that you like?
Katase: Royal road is I guess “Hana yori Dango”. A little bit to the minor side, but a manga called “Wild Half” was enjoyable. It is a story about a dog becoming human to save a boy. I had played the story before.
-What role did you play on stage?
Katase: It was a setting of a high school student, but not the dog part! I played a human role.
-Is there any genre that you guys might want to challenge reading or watching?
Sakamoto: “The Attack on Titan”! It is so popular but I haven’t read it yet. I want to watch it before the movie comes out.
Takiguchi: It’s live-action film though, I have a great interest toward “Kiseijyu”. I heard a lot of stories about it, but I have no clue what it is about, even the story. Is it about a bug? (laugh)
滝口:実写映画ですが、『寄生獣』は気になりますね。色々話を聞くのに、何ひとつ知らないんですよ。ストーリーも何も。なんか、虫が出てくるのかな? みたいな(笑)。
-I think it’s a grotesque story.
Takiguchi: Oh, it’s gross?
Staff: By the way, it is not “Kisei-chu (bug)”. It is “Kisei-jyu(monster)”, not a bug lol. It is a story of unidentified creature taking over human.
Takiguchi: It’s not about bugs!?(laugh) I see… but now I want to see it more! I am okay if it’s gross!
Katase: I want to read “Ansatsu-kyoushitu (Murder Classroom)”. I watched it the first time at the movie. I didn’t have any information but cried four times in the movie. I thought it was a scary story, but I couldn’t watch it without crying. I love “Koro-Sensei (Murder teacher)”. I felt that the classmates shouldn’t kill him, but the classmates try to.
Sakamoto: I want to watch it too!! I also had interest too for a long time. Don’t you think the title is interesting?? I really want to see it!
坂元 : 私もめっちゃ観たいです!気になってたんですよ、ずっと。『暗殺教室』っていうタイトル、何だろう!?って思うじゃないですか。いや〜、絶対観たい!
-You all have interest in dark and grotesque genre which surprised me a little!
-Next, I want to hear what you get “CHEER”ed from, and get spirit from that material or things when depressed. For example, it can be anything such as music or foods.
Sakamoto: I always bring letters from the fans with me all the time. It supports my heart a lot. When I get depressed, I always read it.
All: We agree!!
Sakamoto: Right!! When I don’t feel happy or lose self-confidence, I read it getting out from my diary, which is filled with letters.(laugh)
Takiguchi: For me, it is the “CHEERZ BOOK vol.2”. The cover photo was taken because of the support from the fans, and they have cheered about it. I try hard to upload photos on CHEERZ, but the fans are the one who try hard for me. This book is filled with that kind of feelings. By looking at this photo book, I wish even a few people get energy.
滝口:CHEERZ BOOK vol.2ですね。みなさんのチアーで表紙をやらせて頂くことができたんですが。ファンの方も、すっごく祝ってくれたんですよ。私もCHEERZに毎日写真をアップするように努力はしてるんですけど、本当に頑張ってくれてるのはファンの方なんだなって思って。この本にはそんな気持ちが詰まってます。この本で私を見て、少しでも元気が出る人がいてくれたら嬉しいな、って思ってますね。
Katase: I get “CHEER”ed watching Fairy’s DVD. I love them since their debut, and my oshi-men is Miki Shimomura chan. She is so cute… During the weekends, I shut myself up indoors and watch that DVD. However, I have never went to their live stage. I always watch the on air live though.
Takiguchi: We have our lives too when they are having one.
Katase: Yes, that is why I cannot go often to my favorite artists’ live.
-It is a good circulation, I think, to have power from idol and give it to the fans.
Katase: I believe so too. So, I strongly want to become like them!
-In the end, we want you guys to produce each other’s photos since you all have a reputation of taking good pictures with cell phone.
(Photo shooting) Sakamoto → (Model) Takiguchi / (撮影)坂元→(モデル)滝口
I used the color, light blue which is Takiguchi-san’s color! An upward glance pose is definitely cute!
滝口さんのカラー、水色を使ってみました! 上から見上げてる系、上目使いは絶対にかわいいく見えると思います。
(Photo shooting) Takiguchi → (Model) Katase / (撮影)滝口⇒(モデル)片瀬
A little seek from the door looks cute! The white represents her pureness. It is like “I happen to come to this world!”
扉からちょこっと出ている感じがかわいいかな! って。白が清純な感じ。「この世界にきちゃった♡」みたいな(笑)。
(Photo shooting) Katase → (Model) Sakamoto / (撮影)片瀬→(モデル)坂元
Sleeping on the hammock is so cute since it makes her to look up naturally. It makes feel that I want to save her!
Related Links
CHEERZ official site : https://cheerz.cz/
drop official site : http://www.drop-collet.com/
Hikari Takiguchi Twitter : https://twitter.com/blue_drop920
notall official site : http://notall.jp/
Narumi Katase Twitter : https://twitter.com/knrmy2
FES☆TIVE official site : http://festive.rizepro.net/
Yuna Sakamoto Twitter : https://twitter.com/_ynpk_
Photo by Rika Miduki
Translated by Marina Abe