CHEERZ × Miss iD : An Interview with yAmmy

CHEERZ is a mobile application which allows fans to support their favorite idols by giving them “CHEERZ”. At TGU, as a part of our campaign, we have the top three monthly ranked girls of CHEERZ NEXT with us today, to experience what Japanese culture has to offer “NEXT”.
世界中のアイドルファンに使われているアイドル応援アプリ、CHEERZ。TGUではキャンペーン上位に入ったCHEERZ NEXTに参加している3名と、日本の”NEXT”を体験する、という企画を行っています。
Our three guests today are Himawari Nakano from BANZAI JAPAN, Fuka Mori, and Honoka Kusunoki from KAGUYA. They were headed to a shop “ALIANSA”, located in Tokyo Hachioji, where you can order or rent custom made “Wa- Dress” (dresses made of Japanese Kimono cloths). In Japan, while Western-style wedding dresses are still prevailing styles, the beauty and uniqueness of ALIANSA’s “Wa-Dresses” which are made of Japanese cloths for Kimono are getting more attention lately.
今回の3名は、BANZAI JAPAN中野向日葵さん、森ふうかさん、KAGUYA楠ほのかさん。向かったのは、東京・八王子にある「和ドレス」のオーダー・レンタルを行っているドレス屋さん、アリアンサ。日本での結婚式のドレスといえば欧米風のドレスが主流ですが、そんな中、アリアンサさんの作る和布や打ち掛けの生地を用いた和ドレスのユニークさ、美しさが注目を浴びています。
These three members will need more time to wear wedding dresses but they are very excited to try on the beautiful ones. How are they going to transform today?!
ウェディングドレスを着るのはまだしばらく先かな? という3名ですが、綺麗なドレスを着られるということでワクワク! どんな姿に変身するのでしょうか?!
Ms. Ueda, a representative of ALIANSA, helped us choose dresses and get the three girls dressed up. To begin with, she interviews each of them for preferences and favorite colors to pick up a perfect dress.
Himawari prefers black and white and seldom wears something vivid. But a bit of glitz is needed for a dress so Ms. Ueda selected this mermaid style dress, which looks great on Himawari since she is tall and has a good figure.
中野さんは、普段からモノトーンが好きであまり派手な色は着ない、とのこと。でもドレスなので多少の派手さは必要! ということで上田さんが選んでくれたのがこちらのドレス。背が高くスタイルがいいので、マーメイドタイプのドレスが似合う! と上田さんも絶賛。
Fuka, on the other hand, likes bright colors so she is going to wear this brilliant gold dress. It is so gorgeous and outrageous with A-line shape!
Honoka wants to try a pinkish dress because she loves pastel colors. Ms. Ueda chose this dress: it seemingly looks western-style dress but the patterns and material sure give it a Japanese taste.
After getting dressed up, Ms. Ueda arranged obi (belt) to make the ribbons on the back bigger and also added decoration around the decollete line to highlight each character.
At the shooting, Ms. Ueda gave them guidance in posing! Since ALIANSA emphasizes the beauty of the line that perfectly matches individuals. It is an amazing concept that the design and posing help enhance the appeal of each person. Three of them were surprised to see themselves that are totally different from usual.
写真撮影ではポージング指導も! アリアンサのドレスは着やすさ(誰にでも合う)よりもその人に合うラインの美しさを重視することを何よりも大事にしているそう。できるだけ本人の魅力が引き立つ見せ方を、ドレスのデザイン、ポージングで作っていく……素敵です。3人とも、普段と全く違う自分の姿にびっくり。
TGU asked three girls about their thoughts on the first experience with “Wa-dress”.
Himawari: Actually, this is my first time to wear a dress. When I was a kid, I didn’t like wearing a dress and I would rather refuse it. But today I learnt about dresses that there are many kinds and stuff, which fascinated me. I think “Wa-dress” is really cool so hope a lot of people get to know it!
Ueda: Oh, Thank you very much. You liked the mermaid style dress, don’t you (laugh)? I knew you looked good in something cool and matured style.
上田さん:ありがとうございます。マーメイド、よかったでしょ?(笑) かっこいいオトナな感じが似合いそうな気がしたから。
Fuka: Ever since I checked dresses on your website, I’ve been looking forward to today’s shooting! I think the texture is rich, and you taught me how to look better in a dress… I had a really good time putting on your wonderful dress today. I’d like to wear it at my own wedding.
森ふうか:サイトでドレスを見てから今日の撮影をすごく楽しみにしていて! 生地もしっかりしていて綺麗だし、着てからも体のラインの魅せ方とかを教えてもらって……こんな素敵なドレスを着られた今日は本当にいい1日になりました! 結婚式で着たいです。
Ueda: Thank you. I can take time and fix you up more gorgeous if you want!
Honoka: I have worn ordinary wedding dresses before but it was my first time wearing “Wa- dress”. I also checked your web site and thought the dresses were really cute. I put it on today and I felt that your dresses surely look good on Japanese women because they are made of Kimono cloths. I hope more women chose those “Wa-dresses” for their weddings.
Ueda: Thank you very much. Actually I could add more arrangements. I wish we had more time….!
Himawari: Our group concept is Japan so our stage costume is a dress in the motif of Kimono. I want to wear these styles of dresses as our costume.
-For comparison, what is the strong point of “Wa-dress” compared to western style one?
Ueda: Well, in the first place, we have our cloths woven; they are not the used ones. Our cloths are woven for dresses so they look as if they were a painting or something. It is like an art. Since it is an art, we especially focus on how it looks from a distance. So I think the degree of impression is totally different. At real weddings, people often say they get goose pimples to see bride wearing our “Wa-dress”, which makes me feel worthwhile.
Himawari: It’ll be nice if people overseas feel free to try your dresses!
Fuka: Are they already popular among people overseas?
Ueda: Yes. Well, they are not familiar with Kimono so the reactions are amazing. We get an order from overseas via internet and have a Skype meeting.
Honoka: I thought only “Wa-dress” could allow us to arrange on the spot like you did for us today.
Ueda: Yeah, maybe. You know, even if you have narrow shoulders, you’ll get winkles on your clothes around under your arms, right? But I think that ruins the appearance because it is too realistic. I want to make it something unattainable so I pay close attention to details. For instance, when a bride has a macula on her shoulder and if that bothers her, I’ll arrange the design so that she can be confident in a dress on her special day.
By the way, what are your future plans? You belong to different groups, right?
ちなみにみなさんは今後どんな活動をするんですか? バラバラのグループなんですよね。
Fuka: Now I perform at concerts but I’d like to try different things as well. Today’s shooting definitely motivated me.
Ueda: You should go overseas. I went to JAPAN Expo in Paris this year and, you know, I saw the audience cheering Idles holding sticks!
Himawari: I also want to go and perform overseas. As a matter of fact we participated in the contest for JAPAN Expo this year, but we ended up in the second place and couldn’t get the ticket for the Expo…. We are now thinking about how we should offer the information to overseas fans… We’ll find out.
Honoka: We “KAGUYA” have a group concept which is “Something Japanese”. So I want more people to know the beauty of “WA” (Japan), and also I want to promote our name KAGUYA.
Related links
ALIANSA website : http://www.aliansa.jp/
CHEERZ official website : https://cheerz.cz/
Himawari Nakano Twitter : https://twitter.com/himawaridaa
Fuka Mori Twitter : https://twitter.com/fu_ka_mori
Honoka Kusunoki Twitter : https://twitter.com/kgy_hono
Photos by Kaede