Spring Arrives with feast’s New Lingerie “Cheek Bra” Produced by Ririko Masuzawa!

feast by GOMI HAYAKAWA will release a new lingerie in collaboration with the Sanrio character “Little Twin Stars” Kiki and Lala, targetting girls with small breasts.
This collaboration lingerie will be on sale from July 7, also known as the day of Tanabata, or Star Festival in Japan. It is the second time for feast to collaborate with a Sanrio character, and the lingerie has a pattern of a star all over with a cute Kiki Lala patch in the front of the bra. It will be on sale in two colors, light purple and mint blue, and both items are 6,800 yen.
Related Links
feast Official Page:http://feast.tokyo
feast Official Netshop Page:http://feast.theshop.jp
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