6th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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Chu-Z (read: choose), Japanese skillful dance and vocal group produced by PaniCrew’s YOHEY, has unveiled the Music Video for their first major single “BoomBastic!”
PaniCrew YOHEY氏がプロデュースするダンス&ボーカルグループChu-Zがメジャー初シングル「ボンバスティック!」のミュージックビデオを公開、
The video was screened for the first time, only to their fans, during their fan club event held at Future SEVEN on September 7.
The song is somewhat of a cheer aimed at those who live in the moment. Based on the EDM style and incorporating a strong world view, its dual location shooting combines the polar opposites of the pro wrestling and dance club scenes. The girls’ thunderstick-brandishing figures are provocative in the ring while sensually mature in the club. It is truly a sight that you can’t catch at your usual live concert.
Chu-Z sing powerfully about their own determination such as in “GIRLS ON THE RUN” and “Choose My Life” as a characteristic. They become songs of encouragement for the listener and there are many fans who have received encouragement from the overlapping of their unwavering determination.
Chu-Zと言えば「GIRLS ON THE RUN」「Choose My Life」など、自らの決意を力強く歌う楽曲が特徴的だ。それが聴く人にとっての応援歌になり、彼女たちの揺るぎない覚悟に自らを重ね合わせて勇気をもらったファンも多くいるはず。
Their new single has a strong musical composition and visual impact as well as an increased energy. In addition, proof of their definite growth into adulthood can be found in the lyrics.
BoomBastic! Music Video
“Now, are you feeling life’s feedback? ” and “Now, are you walking the path you believed in?” are pointed questions Chu-Z hurls at the listener in their new tune “BoomBastic!”
Unlike songs that until now have focused on forging bonds by expressing determination, these girls, though just starting, have secured their path to being a major artist with a style that can only come from them. Likely , the words are for the members themselves and the composition itself has undoubtedly made them stronger, too.
Even among numerous existing idol groups, Chu-Z whose continued growth alongside their fans can be felt from before the stage, already possess a power that is truly one of a kind.
“BoomBastic!” will be used as the POWER PLAY song of Nihon Television’s music program “Music Dragon” from September 19 to October 3. If you want to listen Chu-Z’s music more, please check out their major debut album “Chu-Z My Music” that features songs of their indies era.
Then, the group will hold the one-man concert titled “Chu-Z My Live 2014” at Shinagawa Stellar Ball on October 5. Don’t miss it!
「ボンバスティック!」は9月19日から10月3日に渡って、日本テレビ系列の音楽番組「ミュージックドラゴン」のパワープレイに抜擢されている。インディーズ時代の名曲が詰まったメジャーデビューアルバム「Chu-Z My Music」も是非チェックして欲しい。
さらに、Chu-Zは10月5日に品川ステラボールでワンマンライブ「Chu-Z My Live 2014」を開催予定。お見逃し無く!
By the way, when they perform “BoomBastic!”, the girls whirl a super big light stick called “Bomber Stick” (same pronunciation as the new song). On this stick, it says as follows: IKUZE BUDOKAN (Go for Budokan). This is exactly a determination for their dream, longing place. Fans should get this to chase the dream together with Chu-Z!
ところで、メンバーは「ボンバスティック!」のパフォーマンス時、楽曲と同じ愛称がつけられたボンバスティックと呼ばれる巨大サイリウムを振り回す。このスティックには「IKUZE BUDOKAN」と書かれている。まさに彼女たちが目指す夢、憧れの場所への決意表明だ。是非、このスティックをゲットして、Chu-Zと夢を一緒に追いかけて欲しい。
Jacket Covers
Artworks are produced with a projection mapping technique, it’s so cool!
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Related Links
Chu-Z official website : http://www.chu-z.com/
Chu-Z artist profile (Nippon Columbia) : http://columbia.jp/chu-z/
Chu-Z Channel – YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiKbWuoSlimYpukXYq63qaw
written by Kenji Harada
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