The Segue From Idol to YouTuber

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The fifth volume of Bookdol Union, the idol, music, and book collaborative event was held at Shinjuku dues on February 10th. (Read about past Bookdol events here: Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3)
This time we’ve got the scoop on FRUiTS Special Edition idp magazine, a ‘zine featuring exclusive street snaps of idols in their everyday outfits. Our guests for the event were You’ll Melt More!’s Younapi and fashion magazine Popteen and KERA model Pikarin Shiina. Naturally snaps of both girls were included in idp magazine. In addition, this event’s director, idol expert, and writer, Shinshi Okajima, also made an appearance. Given that the theme this time was fashion, there were considerably more female guests in the audience compared to past events.
今回は「アイドルの私服」に特化したストリートスナップ誌『FRUiTS別冊 idp magazine』をピックアップ。イベントにゲストとして登場したのは、ゆるめるモ!のようなぴと、ファッション誌「Popteen」「KERA」のモデルとしても活躍する椎名ぴかりん。もちろん2人とも、『idp magazine』にスナップが掲載されている。また、当誌の編集長・柏野繁大、そして当イベントのディレクターを務めるアイドル専門ライター・岡島紳士が登壇した。テーマがアイドルのファッションということで、過去のイベントに比べて圧倒的に女性のお客さんが多く集まった。
sample page
When asked about how the creation of idp magazine came about, editor-in-chief Kashino answered, “Even though there are a number of fashionable idol girls, you rarely see them in their own clothes. I thought daring to run with that theme would result in a different kind of fun from our usual fashion magazine.”
『idp magazine』を作ったきっかけについて、編集長・柏野さんはこう語った。
It’s common for idols to post selfies on SNS, but it’s rare that you get a chance to see their full-body outfits. Generally when it comes to face, costume, and even normal outfit shots, they’re from the bust-up at best. Taking shots where you can completely see what idols are wearing from their hair accessories down to their shoes is something completely new. Moreover, with these shots being compiled into a special edition by the editing department of long-established, real Harajuku street culture magazines FRUiTS and TUNE makes them seem all the more legitimate, with both models and photographers going for a genuine sense of realism. It really gives you the feeling they’re presented in their true form, without bring manipulated by grown-ups.
SNSへの自撮り投稿が当たり前となっている今だが、確かに、アイドルの私服を全身で見る機会はなかなか無い。基本的に顔の寄りか衣装姿、私服でもせいぜいバストアップ程度だろう。ヘッドアクセから靴まで、アイドルが普段どんな服を着ているのかくまなく見ることのできるストリートスナップは、新しい試みだ。しかも『idp magazine』は、原宿のリアルなストリートカルチャーをスナップし続ける老舗雑誌『FRUiTS』や『TUNE』を発行しているストリート編集部の別冊として作られているから、それだけで信頼性というのだろうか、撮る側も撮られる側も、リアルさを求めているのが伝わる。大人によって操作されていない、リアルな姿を感じ取ることができる。
In the magazine, both Pikarin Shiina and Younapi talk about what they’re wearing. Pikarin comments that the colors red and black were the basis of her outfit, but with a Chinese spin. She creates an innovative look by combining a randoseru (ransel) backpack and geta she purchased online with a Chinese-style dress she bought in Singapore! To match her outfit, she copied her hairstyle from character Meirin from the anime Ask Dr. Rin!
そして椎名ぴかりんとようなぴがそれぞれ、誌面で着ているコーデについて説明。椎名ぴかりんは、赤と黒をベースにしたチャイナテイストがテーマ、と語る。シンガポールで買ったチャイナ風ワンピースに、ネットで買ったランドセルと下駄を合わせるという斬新なスタイル! 髪型もコーデに合わせて『Dr.リンにきいてみて!』というアニメのキャラクター・明鈴のヘアをマネしたと言う。
Opposite of Pikarin Shiina’s unique coordinate, Younapi’s outfit shows off the lolita style with a dress by Emily Temple Cute as its main point. Younapi, who is a fan of sweet, girly fashion, also wore a headdress by Angelic Pretty to the event. She said that she likes the boyish costumes of You’ll Melt More! exactly because they’re the opposite of that. When she made the comment that, “I don’t really like wearing revealing clothes. So I couldn’t pull off an outfit like Pikarin’s…” Pikarin immediately replied, “Sorry if you think my outfit was too sexy!!!! But those who are into lolita fashion usually aren’t into showing much skin… And many of them have more refined tastes, so naturally you would, too.” Laughter filled the audience as they picked on each other.
ユニークさで溢れる椎名ぴかりんのコーデに対して、ようなぴの私服は、Emily Temple Cuteのドレスが主役となるロリータ系スタイル。イベント当日もAngelic Prettyのへアドレスを身につけていて、甘めのガーリーなスタイルが好きだというようなぴ。でも、そんなスタイルとは真逆だからこそ、ゆるめるモ!のボーイッシュなつなぎ衣装も好きだと語った。「でも破廉恥な服はあんまり着たくないですね。だから、ぴかりんさんみたいなのは着れない……」とようなぴが発言すると、ぴかりんが「ごめんなさい破廉恥で!!!! でもロリータとかが好きな方は、露出はちょっと……というお上品な考えの方が多いので、ようなぴさん、さすがですね」とコメント。椎名ぴかりんとようなぴの会話の噛み合なさに、観客からも笑いが起きた。
When Shinshi Okajima asked them about what kind of guys they like, Pikarin answered, “I’m not sure about what type of guy I like, but there are definitely types I don’t like! But I like guys who are like the character L from DEATH NOTE. I think it’s best when they dress and act normally. I like the smell of detergent, so even if the clothes are dirty, as long as they smell clean it’s OK!” Younapi agreed, saying, “I also like regular guys. Like guys who dress all in Uniqlo are nice.” She then continued on about what styles she didn’t like, saying, “During summer jeans and t-shirts are best. They don’t need to wear a scarf or anything like that, or those guys that have some kind of weird chain with dice or something on them is like ‘uhhh….’” So it looks like fans should take notice…
岡島紳士が好きな男性のファッションについて2人に質問すると、椎名ぴかりんは「好きなのはあんまりわからないけど、イヤなのはありますね。キメキメなのはイヤ! 俺かっこいいのわかってるぜ、みたいなのイヤ! でも、『DEATH NOTE』のLみたいなのは好き。とりあえず普通の格好が1番いいです。洗剤のにおいとか好きですね、汚そうな服でも洗剤のにおいがしてればOK!」とコメント。ようなぴも「私も普通の格好がいいです。全身ユニクロとかでいい。」と同意。続けて「夏だったらGパンにTシャツとかでいい。スカーフとかそういうのはつけなくていい、あと変なチェーンとか、ダイスとかついてるやつは、わぁ……ってなる(笑)」と嫌いなスタイルについても言及した。ファンの方はぜひ参考にして欲しい……。
At the conclusion of their talk, chief editor Kashino announced plans to release a second edition. While the first edition focused on a wide range of idols and styles, they have plans to especially feature idols who are really into fashion in the next one. They also have plans to change the design of the book a little. By the way, the second edition is due out on March 31st.
After the talk show portion ended, each idol put on a live show. Illuminated by a red light on stage, Pikarin Shiina singing with death voice and headbanging as she showcased a mad, dark world. Her performance of “Dogezanai” even featured the usual scene of her walking over the backs of members of the audience as they kneeled on ground.
Read the past reports of Bookdol Union
Part 1 featuring “Million Doll”: http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/bookdol-union-vol1-20150957684.html
Part 2 featuring “Short cut girls’ photobook” : http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/bookdol-union-vol2-20151165287.html
Part 3 featuring “Underground Idol Graduations, the Desire for Recognition” http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/bookdol-union-vol3-report-20151168433.html
Related links
Younapi Official Site : http://younapi.com/
Younapi Twitter : https://twitter.com/mo_younapi?lang=ja
Younapi Official Blog : http://ameblo.jp/ylmlm-younapi/
Pikarin Shiina Official Site : http://www.pikarin.jp/
Pikarin Shiina Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/pikarin_shiina?lang=ja
Pikarin Shiina Official Blog : http://ameblo.jp/shina-hikari/
Photos by Fuchizaki
Translated by Jamie Koide
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