Leg-ends of the Fall: Limited World of Thighs Café Opens in Ebisu!

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Turning fetishism into art is an extremely bold challenge. Fetishism, despite the many people that don’t quite comprehend it or care to, is an attraction to the strange, not being able to help exploring obsessions, and a unique kind of adoration. But how does one turn that into a work of art?! I hurried over to the Ambiguous ☆ Bishoujo Art Exhibiton (Aimai☆Bishoujo (=cute girls) Art Ten), running from April 29 to May 10 at the TODAYS GALLERY STUDIO at Asakusabashi, a photography exhibition exploring this theme (fetishism x art)!
フェティシズムをアートにする。それはとても大胆な挑戦だ。だって、フェティシズムっていうのは、多くの人には理解できなかったりどうでもいいと思われるモノに対して、異常なまでの魅力を感じ、執着心を覚えてしまう、特殊な愛情のことなのだから。それを芸術作品に仕上げるとはいったい!? そんな〈フェティシズム×アート〉をテーマとした写真展「曖昧☆美少女アート展」が、浅草橋のTODAYS GALLERY STUDIOで4月29日から5月10日まで開催されるというので早速行ってみました!
The five artists participating in the exhibit were Manabu Koga, Moira Kuchikaseya, Yuria, Kiyoyuki Amano, as well as REALISE, a new brand from the UEVO company.
First up was a hugely popular topic that we’ve introduced many times on Tokyo Girls’ Update in the past, the Suichu Niiso (Underwater Knee Socks) series by the famous Manabu Koga, a photo series of girls underwater wearing bathing suits with knee-high socks. Like before, it featured the same “these can’t be normal” silhouettes of girls wearing knee socks underwater, displayed in a row of unusual photographic work.
まずは、過去に何度かTokyo Girls’ Updateでも紹介し、その度に大きな話題となった、水中で競泳水着を着用し、さらにニーハイソックスを履くという姿の女の子たちの写真集「水中ニーソ」シリーズで有名な古賀学。今回もこれまでと同様に、水着を着てニーハイソックスを履いた「普通なら絶対にありえない」姿のかわいい女の子たちを、水中という非日常のなかで撮影した作品がずらりと並んでいる。
The appeal of Koga’s work is in its quietness, sense of translucency, and purity of his underwater images evoking from their unusual combination (bathing suits and knee socks), that create a magnificent sense of harmony. It calms and infatuates at the same time. It’s erotic, but also mysterious. This strange unbalance keeps people puzzled and drowning in to it at the same time.
Continuing on was Moira Kuchikaseya, with her reputational self-portrait as Kuchikase Shoujo Moira-chan (Moira-chan, the Mouth Gagged Girl), featuring selfie-images wearing a SM-style mouth gag with a rubber duck attached to it. She researches about the sailor-style school girl uniform at graduate school, and labels her work as, Nerd de Fetish na Conceptual Erotic Lolita Girl (The Conceptual Erotic Lolita Girl Fetish by Nerds). She picks out the fetishism within otaku culture, and tries to use her own body to display this eros. She is someone who wholly takes on this form, and her inviting posture is both enchanting and cute. In this exhibition there is an actual private room where can take your own selfies with in her original gags and sailor-style school girl uniforms, which was crowded with many young men and women. It’s an exhibition where you’re invited not only to watch, but to also experience with the items there.
Furthermore, a collaborative work between Koga, Kuchikaseya, and REALISE, called Kuchikaseya Moira x Suichu Niiso x REALISE was on display! This is the only place where you can see their collaborative work! And because of that, a large number of attendees stood glued to their place and silent as they viewed the works in front of them. With three types of fetishism combined, more than just a look at a unique world, it had become something deep.
さらに、古賀と口枷屋とREALISEのコラボレーション作品「口枷屋モイラ×水中ニーソ×REALISE」も展示されていた! このコラボ作品を見ることができるのはここだけ!ということで、とても貴重な作品を前に、観客たちはじーっと見入ってしまってなかなか動けない。三つのフェティシズムが重なり合って、その独特な世界観はより濃密なものになっている。
If you place Koga’s Suichu Niiso is the kind of unusual fetishism that is created, Yuria’s Futomomo Shashinkan (Thigh Photography Studio) is full of works of fetishism taken from the every day. Her work consists of various snapshots taken of women’s thighs in normal life situations, and over 100 shots are displayed at the exhibition, that suddenly make your heartbeat speed up without thinking about it. Surely it must have to do with the fact that staring at thighs is usually considered to be something sexual, but here, you are dared to break the taboo.
However, Yuria’s photographs do not only express eroticism. Upon looking, you’ll quickly notice that no one’s face has been included in any of the Futomomo Shashinkan works. Because Yuria does not wish for that to be the only meaning that comes across through the bodies featured in her work, it is up to the viewer to use their own imagination. It’s like the bittersweet feeling of youth; the feeling of your heart pounding from your high-school days. The power of her work is that it grabs viewer dive in to that nostalgic feelings.
Among Japanese youth, the area of the thigh exposed above knee socks is called zettai ryoiki (the “absolute area”). Now it’s considered to be one of the symbolic fetishism in modern Japan. Creator Kiyoyuki Amano’s exhibit, Zettai Ryoiki Kakucho Keikaku (Absolute Area Expansion Project), plans to extend the absolute area with his hikaru skirt (light-up skirt). His light-up skirt became a huge topic after collaborating with idol group, Moso Calibration.
The picture is from the MV
Although his exhibit features a line of photographs of women wearing his light-up skirt, the dazzling, shining hidden portion underneath is still mysterious. There’s also the provocative gaze of the women. I wonder if I was the only one that felt kind of intimidated by that. Because it’s art, and of course it’s alright to look at art, but I still felt shy looking at it. It makes me wonder; perhaps it’s a work of Amano because it elicits that reaction from viewers.
Last was REALISE, an expansion brand by the UEVO company. Among the costume swimsuits released the company that tickle the fancy of many fetishists, their hottest one so far has been their front zip swimsuit. It can be unzipped to emphasize the chest area, reminiscent of Fujiko Mine from Lupin the Third or Honey from Cutey Honey. It’s even more shocking because real women, and not two-dimensional characters, are the ones actually wearing them!
Additionally, the portrait of cosplayer Sakura Nanase wearing REALISE’s swimsuit by photographer u-kei is very sensual and sexy. And a lot of the guests seem to be coming here for Sakura Nanase.
On top of that, there was a mysterious silver swimsuit featured at the gallery’s entrance. Can you guess why? It lights up when you take a picture with flash on your iPhone!
そしてさらに、会場の入り口に置かれた、謎のシルバーの水着。これ、なんだかわかりますか? 実はこの水着、iPhoneのフラッシュで撮影すると、光り輝くのです!
So what do you think looking the works of art by these six artists and creators? There might be people who are confused and think, “Is this art? Or is this eroticism?” There might be others who merrily think, “I don’t really know, but it’s cute anyways!” I talked with a guy who is from the States at the gallery, and he told me that ever since he first saw the Suichuu Niiso exhibit when he came to Japan, he fell in love and even after that, he had his heart set with it.
さて、この全6組のアーティストやクリエイターたちの作品を観て、あなたは一体どう思うだろう。「これはアートなの? それともエロなの?」と戸惑う人もいるかもしれない。「よくわかんないけど、とにかくかわいい!!」ってはしゃぐ人もいるかもしれない。会場に来ていたアメリカ人の男性は日本に来て「水中ニーソ」を初めて見た時に心を奪われ、それ以来、夢中になっているのだと話してくれた。
Yuki Asaoka from TODAYS GALLERY STUDIO, explained about naming the exhibition title as “Ambiguous☆Bishoujo Art Exhibition” and mentioned, “We used the word ‘ambiguous’ because we wanted the guests to come and judge for themselves. There are people who will see it and feel nothing about it, but others that will feel their heart beat. There might be people who wouldn’t see this as art, and others that believe this is what art is all about. But aren’t these feelings what makes art original? So we decided to let it entirely ambiguous, and let the viewers decide for themselves. ” And with her philosophy, the gallery was filled with the (fuzzy power) for art.
「曖昧☆美少女アート展」という名前について、TODAYS GALLERY STUDIOの浅岡裕季(あさおか・ゆうき)さんは「曖昧と名前をつけることで観る側にジャッジを委ねるということを試みた」と言う。「これを観て何も感じない人もいれば、これを観てドキドキする人もいます。これをアートとは認めない人もいるかもしれないし、これこそがアートだって言ってくれる人もいるんです。でもその感じ方こそが本来のアートなのではないでしょうか。そこら辺を全て曖昧にして、観る人が自分で判断してくれればいい」というのが浅岡さんの考えのようで、まさにこの空間はそうしたアートの持つ〈曖昧な力〉に満ちていた。
If you think about it, even Cool Japan is pretty ambiguous to begin with. What exactly is cool? Does it have a definition? The answer is still in vague. It’s an ambiguous world where eroticism, fetishism, and subculture are mixed up and that is now makes up part of modern Japanese culture. So I’d definitely like to hear your thoughts for those who visited this exhibition and I’ll be waiting to hear your opinions and comments!
By the way, there were many original goods that could only be bought at the exhibition. It seems they are planning for another Fuzzy☆Pretty Girls Exhibition coming up, so we still can’t take our eyes off from it!
Exhibition Information
Exhibition Period: April 29th (Wed) to May 10th(Sun),2015
Time: 11:00~19:00(Final day is until 18:00)
Address: 5F 5-27-6 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 111-0053
Entrance Fee: 500yen (Original Post Card pack for the first 2000 visitors)
Hosted by: BACON Inc.
Exhibitors: Kiyoyuki Amano “hikaru skirt (light-up skirt)”; Manabu Koga, “Suichu Niiso (Underwater Knee Socks)”; Moira Kuchikaseya “Kuchikase Shoujo Moira-chan (Moira-chan, the Mouth Gagged Girl)”; REALISE “Front-zipper Swim Suit” (Alphabetical order); Yuria, “Futomomo Shashinkan (Thigh Photography Studio)” (alphabetical order)
Related links
Ambiguous☆Bishoujo Art Exhibiton Official Site: http://www.tgs.jp.net
Manabu Koga Twitter : https://twitter.com/manabukoga
Moira Kuchikaseya Official Site : http://selfer.net/moira/
Futomomo Photo Site by Yuria : http://futomomo.org/
Hikaru Skirt Site by Kiyoyuki Amano : http://hikaruskirt.tumblr.com/
REALISE Official Site : http://www.new-realise.com/
Photo by Yoshiyuki Chiba
Translated by Jamie Koide
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