Runner’s〜Pai Week 6: Hanami Natsume (Ebisu★Muscats)

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2 and a half years ago, sadly Ebisu Muscats broke up and nobody ever imagined its revival. But cheer up all fans because the second generation Ebisu★Muscats have been announced!
33 Sexy actresses including Ai Uehara,Kana Yume,and Marina Shiraishi are the members. These members were chosen out of an audition of 5000 people who were all confident in being sexy. Their unveiling took place at Shinjuku Alta.
Ebisu★Muscats will be on Muscat Night (Tokyo Television, Wednesday, starting October 7th). Their debut single is “TOKYO Sexy Night” which will be released on November 25th. They will also be having a one man live at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM on December 21st.
Kirara Asuka commented “We want to even more famous than Momokuro!” And other members also showed how they have high spirit for the future.
It sure will be interesting to see what kinds of new history these girls will create!
Buy Item
Limited Edition A: http://www.amazon.co.jp/TOKYOセクシーナイト-初回限定盤A-DVD付-恵比寿★マスカッツ/dp/B015VR538K/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1443452624&sr=8-2&keywords=恵比寿%E3%80%80マスカッツ%E3%80%80TOKYO
Limited Edition B: http://www.amazon.co.jp/TOKYOセクシーナイト-初回限定盤B-DVD付-恵比寿★マスカッツ/dp/B015VR533U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443452624&sr=8-1&keywords=恵比寿%E3%80%80マスカッツ%E3%80%80TOKYO
Regular Edition: http://www.amazon.co.jp/TOKYOセクシーナイト-通常盤-恵比寿★マスカッツ/dp/B015VR52XQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1443452624&sr=8-3&keywords=恵比寿%E3%80%80マスカッツ%E3%80%80TOKYO
Related Sites
Ebisu★Muscats Official Site: http://www.ebisu-muscats.com/
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