It’s “Not yet” the Weekend but Yuko Oshima Returns to Request Hour 2015!

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The jacket covers for Not yet‘s 1st album “already“, which will be released on April 23, have been unveiled. The album will be available in 4 different versions: Type A (CD+DVD), Type B (CD+DVD), Type C (CD-Only), and Type D (PLAYBUTTON). This will be their first-ever album since the group formation in 2011.
In addition, the titles of new songs that will be included in Type-A and Type-B has been also revealed. Type-A includes “Already”, and Type-B includes “Arekara Earl Gray wo Nonde Inai (I haven’t drunk Earl Gray tea since then)” on the 17th track of each CD. The accompanying DVD of Type-A contains a video called “Not yet ni yoru, Not yet teki na, Not yet no Koko ga Ii (What’s good about Not yet by Not yet in Not yet way)” where four members have a meal and a table-talking, a highlight video of a launch event of “Hirihiri no Hana” which was taken place last October at Pacifico Yokohama Kokuritsudai-hall in Kanagawa, member’s interview titled “Not yet interview – Sorezore no Omoi (each member’s thoughts) -“, and other special videos which is a length of 82 minutes in total. On the other hand, Type B contains videos of their performance between 2011-2012 titled “Not yet performance archives 2011-2012”.
You can check the jacket covers, as well as the album trailer. Stay tuned to the release!
“already” Trailer
Jacket Covers
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