Shine Fine Movement Sparkle Out Loud in the MV for Their Major Debut Single “Hikari Crescen...

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Japanese record label Nippon Columbia which was founded in 1910, has launched their first idol specialty music label “Label The Garden”. Their first group, which has not yet been named consists of 14 members, including the 11 winners of “Columbia Idol Audition 2015”.
昨年10月に創立105周年を迎えた音楽レーベル「日本コロムビア」がその長い歴史の中でも初となる社内アイドルレーベル「Label The Garden」を発足した。第一弾としてお披露目されたのは昨年開催された「コロムビアアイドルオーディション2015」の合格者11名を中心とした総勢14名のメンバーたち。
On April 8, 2016, the main visuals showcasing the cool expressions of those 14 members has been unveiled. How will these “seeds” bloom in the garden of Columbia with the long history and tradition? Tokyo Girls’ Update was fortunate enough to visit their first photo shoot and have returned with behind the scenes information.
本日4月8日、彼女たちの初のアーティストとしての「表情」をとらえたクールなメインビジュアルが公開された。集まった個性豊かな“種”がコロムビアの歴史と伝統に裏打ちされた“庭”の中で、それぞれどのような“芽”を出し成長していくのか。Tokyo Girls’ Updateでは撮影現場に潜入し、その様子を取材させていただいた。
There was a moderate feeling of nervousness mixed with serenity hanging in the air at the photography studio during the shoot located “somewhere in Tokyo”. The 14 members wore their costumes for the first time, and were photographed while striking poses overflowing with their yet unpolished charming individuality.
Moving from solo shots to group shots, the members facial expression’s grew more cheerful, even through the shoot moved along at a hurried pace. The determined expressions on their faces showed their desire to shine as much as possible when they debut, seeming to be taking mental notes on how to keep improving while checking on the photos of the other members.
We interviewed Tsuyuha Ueno and Rina Arimura, two of the higher ranked members from the audition. We asked about their impressions of their first photo shoot and how they are getting along.
How was the today’s shoot?
– 率直に、本日の撮影はいかがでしたか?
Ueno : I was so nervous and couldn’t show my poses enough and kept doing same things, like making my hands “rock” or “paper”, instead of “scissors” (laugh). I was doing image training but forgot all about it when I stood in front of the camera. I felt like I became different person when I was wearing the costume! Looking at myself in the monitor, I thought like, “Oh I’m there, like major idol!” (laugh)
上野 : 緊張しちゃってポーズとか何パターンもできなくて、同じことばっかりやってました。パーとグーみたいな、チョキ以外で(笑)。ある程度考えてたんですけど、あそこに立つとやっぱり忘れちゃいます。でも、衣装を着ると別人になったみたいな気持ちになりました。モニターとか見るとすごいメジャー感があって、私いるー!って(笑)
This is the first time to show yourself as idol. In the time has passed since the audition and seeing the other members often, have you found any rivals among them?
– 今回初めて、世の中にアイドルとして顔を見せるわけですからね。オーディションから少し時間が経って、レッスンなどで定期的にメンバーと顔を合わせますが、ライバルなどは出来ましたか?
Ueno : The style of the audition was on SHOWROOM (video streaming platform) and the rankings were shown everyday so, I strongly felt the others were my rivals at that time. But now it’s fun to be able to find the other members’ strong points!
上野 : オーディションがshowroomだったので、毎日ランキングがあって。その頃のほうがライバル意識は強かったです。今はメンバーそれぞれの良いところが見つけられるようになって、楽しいですよ!
-Do you think your image of an “idol” has changed since the audition?
– ご自身の「アイドル像」はオーディション前と変わったりしてますか?
Ueno : Actually I used to like sort of traditional, girly, cutesy idols before but, after I started learning cool dance moves at the lessons, I was surprised that I could actually do them so, I also began to like cool dance styles as well. I want to be idol who can do various things.
上野 : どちらかと言うと私、王道アイドルのふわふわ感が好きだったんですけど、レッスンで格好いいダンスを習うことが多くて、そういう動きができるようになって自分でも驚いたり、格好いいダンスもいいなって好きになりました。色々できるアイドルになりたいですね。
-Next Arimura-san, how was today’s shoot?
– では続いて有村さん、今日の撮影いかがでしたか?
Arimura : Well, I thought making good facial expressions was more difficult than posing. I prefer my face to be seen from the right side, but today they took the pictures of me mostly from the left side due to positioning, so I learned that I have to be able to make my facial expressions perfect for every angle! Like, “I wasn’t going to smile like this!” while looking at the monitor.
有村 : そうですね、私はポーズよりも表情が難しかったです。私自身は右からの表情が好きなんですが、ポジション的に左から撮っていただくことが多かったので、どんな角度からでもちゃんとできなきゃなって痛感しました。モニター見て、笑ってるのにこういう顔で笑ってるんじゃない!って。
-Ueno-san told me that she felt the members got more united than the audition season, but what do you think about that?
– 上野さんは、オーディションの時より今のほうが一体感があるという話をされていましたが、有村さんはいかがですか?
Arimura : I agree! We have three members who are not from the audition winners, but we all get along with each other. It might be because it’s just begun but, I think all the members are nice. Some of them seem so tough, so I don’t want to lose to them.
有村 : そうですね!オーディション組ではない3人とも合流したんですが、すごく仲が良くて。まだ始まったばかりというのもあると思うんですが、本当にみんな良いメンバーだと思ってます。でも、芯が強い人も多そうなので、負けないようにしたいですね。
-Gradually you’ll get more chances to see your fans by revealing the main visuals and the activities’ schedule.
– 初めてメインビジュアルや、今後の活動が公開されて、ファンの方との接点も生まれてきますね。
Arimura : The thing I like the most is singing and dancing on the stage as I can feel a lot of things so, I want to perform on stage soon. I think I can make various facial expressions during live performances. I want to make up for all the things I couldn’t do during the audition at some live performances soon!
有村 : 私はステージに立って歌って踊るのが一番気持ちいいというか、色んな物を感じられるので早くステージに立ちたいです。ライブパフォーマンスだと色んな表情が出来る気がしていて。オーディションの時は緊張しちゃってたんですが、次は思い通りの笑顔ができるように頑張りたいです。
From today, the official website for “Label The Garden” and Twitter accounts for each of the member has been opened.
本日より「Label The Garden」公式サイトも始動、メンバー個人のtwitterアカウントも開設されている。
Moreover, their first regular broadcasting program “Columbia Idol Ikusei Variety ’14☆Shoujo Funtouki!’ ~Major Debut e no Michi~” will be started on April 15, 2016 on KawaiianTV. The program will be live broadcasted from 6:30pm to 8:00pm on every other Friday. Famous comedian Takashi Yoshida (Black Mayonnaise) will be the host and Kanako Kadowaki (ex-NMB48)will be the co-host for the program.
Music magazine “MARQUEE” will give total coverage of the girls starting from the April 10, 2016 issue.
Idols are growing up day by day.
“We don’t want idols made by label’s selfishness. We’ll show the real process of idol growing and hope to share the values of discovering talent” is the concept of this project since the audition was held.
Please watch their growth until the seeds will bloom into flowers! This is a precious chance!
Behind the Scenes
Related Links
Nippon Columbia “Label The Garden” Official site: http://columbia.jp/labelthegarden/
KawaiianTV Official site: http://kawaiian.tv/
MARQUEE Official site: http://www.marquee-mag.com/
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