
Natsuki Uchiyama Announces Graduation from AKB48

Natsuki Uchiyama Announces Graduation from AKB48

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Natsuki Uchiyama, the AKB48 member known for reciting passages from the Japanese Constitution from memory on stage, had a shocking announcement for fans on November 1, 2015 when she revealed her intentions to graduate from the group.

At the end of the AKB48 Theater performance titled “Soichiro Tahara Do-naru?! Do-suru?”, Natsuki tearfully announced that she would graduate from AKB48. She explained that her dream was not something that she could pursue as a member of AKB48, as the other members on stage wiped tears from their eyes. In a lengthy post on her Google+ page later that evening, she apologized for the sudden announcement but, assured fans that her graduation was something that she had considered carefully after consulting with other members, staff, family, and friends. In the link at the end of her post, there are several pictures from the moment when she announced her graduation from the stage. With the comments filling up on her initial post, she added another less than an hour later, thanking everyone for their comments.

In 2013, Natsuki co-wrote “Kenpo Shugi Jobun ni wa Kakareteinai Honshitsu”. a book on the Japanese Constitution with law professor Shigeru Minamino in order to share her enthusiasm with hopes to get younger people more interested in constitutional discourse. She was also part of the unofficial unit “Kabutomu Chu!” with fellow 14th generation members Mitsuki Maeda and Hikari Hashimoto, her close friends who graduated from AKB48 earlier in 2015.

The final events for Natsuki Uchiyama will be announced at a later date.

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Kenpo Shugi Jobun ni wa Kakareteinai Honshitsu / Natsuki Uchiyama, Mori Minamino
Natsuki Uchiyama, Shigeru Minamino

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AKB48 Official site:

Natsuki Uchiyama Google+ page:

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Related Artists : AKB48
Kai Okudara

Writer, researcher, photographer, foodie, KSDD