Sayumi Michishige to Release New Photobook “DREAM” on Her 29th Birthday

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The photobooks of girl swimming underwater, wearing knee-high socks, became viral with their unlikely but yet fetish image. They have announced the third photobook of this series, “Suichu Niso 3 (Underwater Knee-High Girls 3)” (tentative title) to be released soon, with the collaboration with the lingerie brand “feast,” and swim suit line, “REALISE,” and having young, female artist Moira Kuchikaseya as a model.
The host of this project and the main photographer, Manabu Koga, has released the first photobook, “Suichu Niiso (Underwater Knee-high Socks),” in August, 2013, and “Suichuu Niiso Plus” on October, 2014. Currently, the production of the third release is in action, and planning to release the completed book in the summer of 2015. With the recent announcement of the new swimsuit line of “feast by GOMI HAYAKAWA,” the lingerie brand for flat-chested females, and by “REALISE,” swimsuit brand which became popular with their iconic swim suit that has the front zipper, the underwater must have become more fetish, and yet cute!
The collaboration came in to reality by approaching Manabu Koga holding a talk show event “Gekkan Suichu Niiso (Monthly Knee-high Socks in Water)”every second Wednesday, in “Bar Zingaro” in Nakano Broadway, and they appeared as a guest. As Manabu Koga a host for this project, this subcultural collaboration came true!
How about reviewing about “Suichu Niiso” from our past coverages?
Underwater Knee High Socks Girls: Quest For Girls’ Cuteness: http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/underwater-knee-high-girls-20140927733.html
A Deep Conversation About Women And Fetishism! Monthly Publication Talk Event For “Underwater Knee High Girls” To Be Hold: http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/underwater-knee-high-girls-event-20150134297.html
“Underwater Knee High Girls” Goes To Taiwan! Exhibition Including New “Yuri” Photos To Be Held!: http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/underwater-knee-high-girls-taiwan-20150135901.html
Underwater Knee-High Socks Became Practical!? Mecha&Octopus Designed Socks Debut: http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/underwater-kneehigh-socks-practical-20141028837.html
“Underwater Knee-High Girls Plus” GIVE AWAY! Dive Headfirst In To The World Of Underwater Knee High Socks!: http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/guide/underwater-knee-high-girls-plus-exhibition
Title: Suichuu Niiso 3 (tentative)
Release Date: Unfixed
Price: Unfixed
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