Gyu-No Fes Road to Tochigi!!! Tochigi-ken he no Michi Dai Kick-Off〜Mankai! Haru no Gyu-No Idol M...

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It’s not unusual that people who like idols also like bands and DJs, as evidenced by the sold-out audience at Banmon Fes held at Shin-Kiba Studio Coast on October 24, 2015 (live reports coming soon!). There are definitely some overlaps between them, whether it be the producers or artists having ties to rock music, the energetic atmosphere in the audience, or the huge amount of idols working as DJs, it can be difficult to separate them. Do they even need to be separated? Warufuzake vol. 2 at TSUTAYA O-nest on November 8, 2015 is another event that mashes idols, DJs, and bands together for those looking for another musical buffet.
Here are the artists scheduled to perform:
A Ghost of Flare
A Ghost of Flare Official site: http://www.aghostofflare.jp/
BPM15Q Official site: http://www.bpm15q.com/
Diekyosaku Official site: http://diekyosaku.xxxxxxxx.jp/
DJ’TEKINA//SOMETHING Official site: http://djtekina.club/
Mahou Shoujo ni Nari-tai
Mahou Shoujo ni Nari-tai Official site: http://mahousyoujoninaritai.com/
manaminorisa Official site: http://mamiri.jp/
Ohayou Gozaimasu
Ohayou Gozaimasu Official site: http://ohayoband.com/
POP Official site: http://www.pop2m.com/
If you saw our report on the opening day of Shibukaru Matsuri, you might have recognized the art used in the flyer, which was designed by the Saiaku Nana-chan. While you may not recognize all the names in the lineup, Warufuzake vol. 2 might be a great opportunity to discover some new groups while getting to see ones you already like. Volume 1 in March had Moso Calibration, PassCode, Pla2me (POP’s former name), and TORIENA. What will happen this time?
Warufuzake vol. 2
November 8, 2015 (Sunday)
Open: 3:30pm Start: 4:15pm
Presale: 3,000 yen Door: 3,500 yen (+ 1 drink minimum)
Related Links
Warufuzake Official site: http://warufuzake.wix.com/warufuzake
Warufuzake Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/warufuzake_inc
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