Heaven or Hell? Sumire Uesaka Reveals MV & Special Website for “Enma Daiou ni Kiitegor...

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Voice actor Sumire Uesaka unveiled the artworks for her 2nd single “Genshi, Joshi wa, Taiyou datta.” to be released on July 10th!
The song will be used as the opening theme for TV Anime “Genshiken Nidaime (a.k.a “The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture”)” from July.
The jacket design is linked with view of the world of the anime’s theme, nerdy circle of university.
The cover of Limited Edition has an modern-version background drawn by “Kokudou12gou”, and Regular Edition has an old-version background drawn by “Toru Morooka”.
Cover art of Anime Edition is composed of an illustration of “Genshi Joshi wa Taiyou datta”.
In addition, she has transformed into a cartoonist in her new artist photo.
Check the new artworks below!
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