
TEAM SHACHI to Stream Live Concert “Spectacle Streaming Show “ZERO”” on July 28th !!

TEAM SHACHI to Stream Live Concert “Spectacle Streaming Show “ZERO”” on July 28th !!

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TEAM SHACHI, having to undergo postponements and cancellations of several live events, due to measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus, is streaming a no audience concert, LIVE on July 28th (Tues.) from 18:00.

You cannot miss the one and only spectacle performance, including unique staging only possible on live streaming. Expectations are running high for the evolution of TEAM SHACHI breaking a new ground, starting from this concert titled “ZERO”.

The concert will be available for FREE on Space Shower Official Smartphone APP, Space Shower TV Official LINE LIVE, and on TEAM SHACHI Official YouTube Account.

spectacle- streaming-show ZERO

TEAM SHACHI TOUR 2020 –another dimension-: Spectacle Streaming Show “ZERO”

July 28th (Tues.) 2020, 18:00-

▼TEAM SHACHI Official YouTube channel:
▼SPACE SHOWER Official Smartphone App:

Watch the teaser ad of this no audience concert!
Starting with their theme “super tough strong energy positive exciting soul from nagoya”, an unimaginable cool visual follows, raising expectations to the concert.
Teaser Ad URL:

Don’t miss this opportunity to witness TEAM SHACHI’s momentum performance at home, plus, for free!


Belonging to Stardust Planet of Stardust Promotion Inc.
A female group of 4, Honoka Akimoto, Nao Sakura, Yuzuki Oguro, Haruna Sakamoto all from Aichi prefecture. They changed their name from “Team Shachihoko” to “TEAM SHACHI” on October 23rd 2018. Their debut concert raising their theme “super tough strong energy positive exciting soul from nagoya” was a free concert at Zepp Nagoya. Their first mini album “TEAM SHACHI” released in February 2019, ranked 5th on the Oricon Weekly Chart! They are taking speed running full speed ahead, being used for advertising Komeda’s Coffee, Chunichi Shimbun, Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium, and taking part in TV dramas and performing on Stage. They have participated in several festivals last summer, including their first performance at SUMMER SONIC! Their loud and pop sound, featuring an additional 6 piece brass band sweep over the scene. On October 2nd 2019, they released their first single and ranked 3rd on the Oricon Chart!

Related Links:
■TEAM SHACHI Official website:
■TEAM SHACHI Official Twitter:
■TEAM SHACHI Official LINE ID: @teamshachi
■TEAM SHACHI Official blog:

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