J-POP SUMMIT 2017 Guest Interview : ZOOMADANKE Kendama Flow Masters at J-POP!

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On July 19 and Sunday, (Local Time), the biggest Japan-culture Fes in North California, J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL 2014 was held at the Japantown & Union Square in San Francisco.
7月19日(サンフランシスコ現地時間)J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL2014が、アメリカサンフランシスコにて開催された。
The event’s started since 2009, and turned 6 years old this year. On the West Coast, J-POP SUMMIT has delivered a diversity of Japanese pop cultures, including the Japan Film Festival of San Francisco, live performances of J-pop celebrities, fashion shows/contests by J-brands, and food festival. The festival has expanded its scale each year and attracted over 80,000 people last year. This year, over 40,000 fans already have enjoyed the first day.
日本の多様なカルチャーを西海岸に紹介する目的で2009年にスタートした当イベント。年々規模を拡大しており、2013年は8万人を上回る動員、今年も初日で4万人以上のファンが駆けつけ大盛況となった。 アニメやゲームだけでなく、映画や音楽、ファッション、フードなど様々なカルチャーがJAPANTOWN一帯に集結。会場はまさにお祭り状態だった。
The best part of the day was live performances held at Union Square. Japanese leading artists including Una, Daichi, TokyoGirlsStyle, Tomomi Itano, and May’n appeared on the stage, which was filled with 10,000 energetic audience. Along with the fans, the numbers of the local press surrounded the stage showed how much the profile of J-POP scene has raised in the country.
この日、とりわけ盛り上がりを見せていたのがUnion Squareで開催されたライブパフォーマンス。Una、Daichi、東京女子流、板野友美、May’nといった日本を代表する5組のアーティストが登場し、1万人に及ぶ観客の歓声でステージが埋め尽くされた。
Fans, who stood in line to have the best seat from the very morning, who came to San Francisco all the way from New York with hand-made big TGS’s banner, who waited for Tomomi Itano’s appearance with a fancy message board, American fans were vibrant and enthusiastic as much as fans in Japan.
There were also a lot of U.S. medias, it was enough to know that Japanese POP culture is gathering much attention.
ステージには多数の現地メディアも駆けつけ、Japan POPカルチャーシーンの注目度の高さが現れていた。
The artists got a good response as well. After experiencing the success of the performance there in San Francisco, they mentioned about the impression and possibilities for further activities in the states. “I was deeply moved by the “longed-for” San Francisco performance became a reality.” “We wanna perform here in the states again!” “Next time we’d like to show what we have in New York too.”
In the wake of J-POP SUMMIT, Japanese pop culture will accelerate its expansion in America more and more.
J-POP SUMMITをきっかけに、今後、日本のポップカルチャーは益々アメリカ進出を加速させるだろう。
written by Taisuke / translated by Yuji Hara
About J-POP SUMMIT Festival
Launched in 2009, J-POP SUMMIT Festival is an annual street fair held in San Francisco, CA that celebrates Japanese popular culture. By introducing the latest in Japanese music, film, art, fashion, gaming, anime, food, as well as niche subcultures, the festival has become a prominent platform to showcase the latest pop trends and creative innovations from Japan.
The 5th annual J-POP SUMMIT held in July 2013 welcomed more than 80,000 attendees, making it one of the largest Japanese festivals in the United States. In addition to the original Festival held in Japantown, new attractions include the J-POP LIVE AT UNION SQUARE concert in downtown San Francisco, the Bay Area’s premier dedicated Japan Film Festival of San Francisco, and sake-tasting and fine foods events at the POP GOURMET Food Festival, which have each further enriched the experience. Additional information about J-POP SUMMIT Festival is available at: J-POP.com.
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