PASSPO☆ Announce Disbandment, Final Flight Will be in September 2018 at Nakano Sunplaza

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PASSPO☆ returned to Tokyo for the finale of their Utatte Odotte Kanaderu Tour, their first combining their Band PASSPO☆ and their “singing-dancing” formations as they touched down at Shibuya duo Music Exchange on April 1, 2017.
Petit PASSPO☆, who had been accompanying PASSPO☆ on all stops of the tour as their opening act, raced around the stage passing the baton between them to get off to a quick start with “Samurai Girl”. With the coming of spring, the members introduced themselves with their new school years, with only Riko Fujimoto slipping up. Yuna Yamamoto wondered if Petit PASSPO☆ had grown over the course of the tour and Hinata Yagi pledged to make that day their best opening act performance yet.
Continuing with “Ultra Samba” and “Kekka Alright! Que Sera Sera!”, Petit PASSPO☆ kept the heat on before closing out with reminders of their 3rd one-man live at Shibuya Sound Museum Vision on May 28th and their live produced by Natsumi Iwamura on April 22nd. Seeing all the people in the audience, Riko recalled their debut performance at Akasaka BLITZ almost 2 years earlier.
01 Samurai Girl
02 Ultra Samba
03 Kekka Alright! Que Sera Sera!
With a shout from the crew backstage, the heavy bass of “Popcorn bought?” pumped from the speakers and the “passengers” (fans) raised their voices and thrust their penlights to the rhythm as PASSPO☆ accelerated down the runway for takeoff. Firing their afterburners, the members pumped their fists and spread their arms wide as they soared through “Music Navigation”. Fluttering and spinning across the stage to the seasonally appropriate “Sakura Komachi”, PASSPO☆ ascended higher as the air inside Shibuya duo Music Exchange continued to heat up.
Natsumi Iwamura (aka Nachu) shouted out, “Sakura is nice but it’s even better hotter”, leading the way to the balmy summer tune “Aozora HANABI” as she and the rest of the crew fanned the flames with their folding paper fans.
Pausing to introduce themselves and welcome the passengers aboard, PASSPO☆ proudly exclaimed that just like the afternoon flight, the evening flight was also fully booked. Picking up their penlights, PASSPO☆ jumped up on the risers at the front of the stage while flying through their self-introduction song “7’s Up” as the passengers called out loudly in support for their favorite crew members.
Ai Negishi (aka Aipon), Naomi Anzai (Naomin), Yukimi Fujimoto (aka Yukkii), and Shiori Mori (aka Morishi) left the stage as Nachu, Mio Masui (aka Miomio), and Anna Tamai (aka Anya) steered the course in a playful direction with “Rock Da Week”, Nachu eating an ice cream cone as she flipped through a sketchbook.
Yukkii, Aipon, Naomin, and Morishi traded places with the trio, returning with small flags from baseball teams in their hands for “No.1 Boy”. The sound of hundreds of cyalumes cracking was was followed by a soft blue glow filling the venue as the passengers waved them along with special flags they had made as part of a surprise for Yukkii’s birthday (April 11).
The celebrations continued as “HONEY DISH” was accompanied by pink cyalumes for Naomin (April 16), the two colors mixing together as PASSPO☆ extended their congratulations with “Thank You Birthday”. The duo warmly thanked the passengers for making their early birthday celebrations special, expressing their wishes to having even more fun in the future. Nachu was teased about eating the ice cream during “Rock Da Week”, with the rest of the crew wondering when their “charismatic failure” and eldest member would get around to starting her diet. Unsurprisingly, Nachu simply replied that she couldn’t help herself as it was hot and the ice cream was delicious.
The stage lights dimmed to an ominous red hue as PASSPO☆ clawed their way through “PlayGround”, Miomio spinning a 720° to bring the Thriller-esque dance break to life.
With elbows flared and clenched fists, PASSPO☆ turned up the intensity with the heavy hard rock of “Fukutsu no Resistance” and grinding thick guitars of “FAKE” as if charging straight through stormy conditions at full speed.
Rising dipping below the clouds, PASSPO☆ changed course again with the light girls’ rock of “WEEKDAY QUEENS”, placing imaginary crowns on their heads and shuffling through its retro choreography, Miomio and Naomin blowing kisses to the passengers. Ascending into the upper atmosphere with the futuristic dance rock sounds of “NASA! 〜Nande Aitsu Suki Nanda, Aa〜” and “Cosmic You”, PASSPO☆ reached the limits of their maximum altitude.
Entering hostile airspace, PASSPO☆ raised their fists and whipped their hair as the crushing drums and jagged guitars of “Minority・Hero” punched through the air in a thick wall of sound. Anya exclaimed that even though she had been responsible for coming up with the choreography, she felt drained after performing it, comparing it to weight training. Aipon announced that the last 3 sounds would be cute songs in order to change up the mood, starting with “Kucha Love”, the passengers calling out as Miomio, Anya, and Yukkii sang their opening lines. Shibuya duo Music Exchange glowed an intense shade of orange as Nachu took the spotlight during her solo for “Wish on a star”. Approaching the runway, PASSPO☆ touched down with passenger favorite “Pretty Lie”, taking their bows and leaving the stage.
After a few minutes of “Naomi-Yukimi” encore calls, PASSPO☆ returned, thanking the passengers for calling them back to the stage before beginning the late inflight entertainment with the past-paced punk rock of “Film”, following up with the emotional coming of age story “Bachelorette wa Owaranai”.
Naomin and Yukkii showed off their special birthday T-shirt and showed that age and maturity are not the same as they “shot” passengers down with their finger guns before turning their sights on each other, Morishi joining in with her imaginary gatling gun. Aipon announced that PASSPO☆ would be starting a new tour in June titled “Seishun mo, Taishi wo Idake!” with the finale being held at Nippon Seinenkan on September 9th. Morishi was teased for sounding like a politician running for re-election as she asked the passengers to keep supporting PASSPO☆, getting grumpy for a moment before focusing her energy into the final song of the tour “Mudai”, the rest of the crew following suit as they banged their heads and raised their fists high, the passengers joining their voices with theirs as they sang along. Taking a commemorative picture, PASSPO☆ took their final bow of the tour, the passengers joining hands and mirroring their actions to end the evening.
Photos by Nathan Gey
Set List
01 Music Navigation
02 Sakura Komachi
03 Aozora HANABI
04 7’s Up
05 Rock Da Week
06 No.1 Boy
08 Thank You Birthday
09 PlayGround
10 Fukutsu no Resistance
13 NASA! 〜Nande Aitsu Suki Nanda, Aa〜
14 Cosmic You
15 Minority・Hero
16 Kucha Love
17 Wish on a star
18 Pretty Lie
E1 Film
E2 Bachelorette wa Owaranai
E3 Mudai
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Related Links
PASSPO☆ Official site: http://passpo.jp/
PASSPO☆ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/passpo_staff
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