Oha Girl Chu!Chu!Chu! Reveals the MV for their New Song “Shinyuu No Ki”

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Oha Girl Chu! Chu! Chu! will be releasing the memorial album “Shinyuu (心友)” on February 4.
It will be a greatest hits album containing 13 tracks including all the singles. The members are going to graduate from the group on March 31, 2014, so the album will be their first and last album.
The limited edition will come with a bonus DVD features the footage from their one-man concert “Oha Girl Chu! Chu! Chu! Hajimete no One-Man Live ~Tobase Yume Fuusen~” held on December 28, 2013 at Future SEVEN in Tokyo. The DVD will also include 5 Music Videos from the previous singles.
Now, they have released the special footage of their dance practice.
Check it out and master the choreography together!
Track List
01. Koisho!!!
02. Motto Gyutto Heart
03. Koakuma Rundesu
04. Natsu Thank You!!!
05. Hapi!hapi!hapi Birthday!
06. Ribbon No Hoshi!!!
07. Kuripure!
08. Hana.hirari
09. Morning Chance!!!
10. Morning Chime!!!
11. Sayonara No Kawari Ni 2013
12. Yume Fuusen
13. Shinyuu No Ki
01. Motto Gyutto Heart
02. Koisho!!!
03. Koakuma Rundesu
04. Natsu Thank You!!!
05. Yume Fuusen
06. Yume Fuusen
07. Ribbon No Hoshi!!!
08. Motto Gyutto Heart
09. Morning Chime!!!
10. Hapi!hapi!hapi Birthday!
11. Hana.hirari
12. Kuripure!
13. Koakuma Rundesu
14. Natsu Thank You!!!
15. Koisho!!!
16. Yume Fuusen
Oha Girl Chu!Chu!Chu! official website : http://www.shopro.co.jp/oha/ohagirl/
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