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A multi-platform media magazine, NYLON JAPAN announced that November’s web limited cover of NYLON JAPAN will be the illustration of Namie Amuro and Hatsune Miku.
The cover illustration is already on the official website. The illustration seems to take place on a sidewalk of a city, and both Amuro-chan (nickname for Namie) and Miku have a modern New York style fashion on.
This is part of the Namie Amuro with Hatsune Miku project, which first appeared on one of the songs called “B Who I Want 2 B feat. HATSUNE MIKU” in Amuro-chan’s latest album “_genic”. The animated music video of “B Who I Want 2 B feat. HATSUNE MIKU” will be on media from October. In the video, animated Amuro-chan and Miku appears on the middle of Shibuya intersecting the real and the virtual world.
This special cover now only available at L-Paka Books for limited amount so don’t forget to reserve soon as possible!!
Related link
NYLON JAPAN official site : http://www.nylon.jp/
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