Is This Amazing or What! Check Out CalorieMate’s Blackboard Art Animation Commercial!

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MomoiroCloverZ’s “SOH-KAI! Momoclo Futa no Ue Tour”, an AR live tour that utilizes advanced AR technology, has started.
The project is in conjunction with Lotte’s ice cream “SOH”, whose official mascot is Momoclo.
When SOH’s lid is seen through the iPhone after downloading the app, you’ll be able to enjoy not MomoiroCloverZ but MomoiroCloverSOH’s live set.
During the set the viewer will see the long version of “Atashi wa Ice”, the song used for SOH’s new commercial “SOH Vanilla & Ice”.
The campaign is Japan-only, but a part of the song is used in the new commercial so DO CHECK!
Campaign website : http://soh-soh.jp/
SOH-KAI! Momoclo Futa no Ue Tour : http://soh-soh.jp/tour/
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