Megumi Wata a mysterious female singer who’s appeared just like a comet out of nowhere. As the very first artist on Tokyo Recordings, a label that launched in June this year, her debut song “Sainandawa” was made available free on July 1st. The song appeals not only because of its disquieting tribal beats and cute, lispy, rap-like vocals, but for its lightly rhyming lyrics. With a message like a clipping from the sentiments of today’s young generation, her lyrics present a calm-headed, panoramic viewpoint.
Even on the Internet in Japan, there’s not much clear information around about Megumi Wata. Her much-awaited debut album, “Sainandawa,” will be available, pre-sale, at the SPIN DISCOVERY VOL.2 event at Shibuya clubasia on November 9th. Two tracks from the album, “Monkey George” and “Mother,” have already been released.
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