Spending the last school days of their life, university school students are filled up with the word “shuukatsu”, which is the abbreviation for shuushoku katsudou, in other words, job hunting in their mind.
Finally, shuukatsu female idol group project is released. Kichohanakan will be an idol group with a concept of aiming informal promised employment decision by performing as idol while job hunting. Completely new sensation idol group will be formed by active university girls who seek employment after graduating. Their another aim is to transmit the members’ job hunting life and proof transparency of Japanese job hunting.
The group name “Kichohanakansha” is an abbreviation of a shuukatsu cliche “Kichou na ohanashi arigatougozaimashita” (thank you for the precious story). It represents an antithesis of impersonalized and manualized simultaneous recruiting of new graduates, and enthusiasm of the members among the conflict in the society.
The project is now recruiting the first members of Kichohanakansha who are aiming for job hunting, and planning for graduation in 2017.