Going to 3D! Spectacle Itasha Gathering at Niconico Chokaigi 2018

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THE END is an opera birthed out of the collaboration between trend setting spirited young individuals including musician and artist Keiichiro Shibuya, director and script writer Toshiki Okada, and illustrator YKBX. This production does not feature any humans, and replacing all familiar elements of the non-existent singers and orchestras are aria and recitative by Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid, with a story told by computer made music and visuals.
This production tests taking the traditional tragic structure of an opera asking “What is death?”
and “What is an end?” and puts Hatsune Miku as the mediator to reread it in a modern way.
Also much talked about is Hatsune Miku’s opera wardrobe, which was designed by Louis Vuitton’s artistic director Marc Jacobs and his studio team.Her outfits were based on the Spring/Summer 2013 collection, making an originally designed product that takes into account Miku’s body shape and unique aura, making an impacting ensemble as Miku is digitized in videos, which reflect the current times, and show a new side of her and making for a never before seen collaboration.
– Performance Details –
May 23, 2013 (Thursday) 19:00 Start
May 24, 2013 (Friday) 15:00 and 19:00 Start
※ 3 performances total
Location: Bunkamura Orchard Hall
THE END Offical Website http://theend-official.com/
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