Right now Japanese katana are popular with young women! There are some that are even appearing one after the other, coming to exhibitions and purchasing metal replicas of swords. Originally, there have been fans who appreciated the swords as a work of art, but this popularity has now been spreading among young women. But why Japanese katana and why now? 実は今、日本刀が若い女性に人気なんです! 展示会に足を運び、模造刀を購入する女性が続出しているとか。元々、美術品としてのファンがいますが、その人気が若い女性にも広がってきています。なぜ今、日本刀なのでしょうか?
The fire that has started the flame to this boom is the internet game “Touken Ranbu ONLINE”, shortened as “tourabu”. Characters that are the personifications of famous katanas are gathering a lot attention, especially from young women. このブームの火付け役となったのが、インターネットゲーム「刀剣乱舞-ONLINE-」略して“とうらぶ”。有名な刀をイケメン男子に擬人化したキャラクターが若い女性を中心に注目を集めています。
In the game, you collect beautiful male characters that are the personifications of famous katana swords such as “Mikazuki Munechika”, “Kashuu Kiyomitsu”, and “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro”, and develop these characters as you battle. This game is a huge hit, with over 1,000,000 current registered users. The girls who play this game and have become fascinated by Japanese katana are being called “katana girls”. Popular voices actors often voice these touken characters, and it is said that 80% of those enjoying the game are women. 「三日月宗近」「加州清光」「山姥切国広」といった名刀を擬人化した美男子キャラクター「刀剣男士」を集め、合戦を通して育てるというゲーム。現在100万人以上がユーザー登録している大ヒット作となりました。そのゲームをしている女子たちが、日本刀に魅せられて、ブームとなり“カタナ女子”と呼ばれているそうです。また、人気声優が刀剣男士の声を担当していることもあり、ゲームを楽しむ8割が女性だそうです。
As a result, Japanese katana magazines have been flying off the shelves and exhibitions have been packed. The number of women who have an interest in real katana has also been growing, a trend which is seen in the increasing numbers of women visitors to katana exhibitions. There are also women who go to museums as a “pilgrimage” to see the real swords that were personified in the game. これにより日本刀雑誌が飛ぶように売れ、展示会は大盛況となっている。実際の刀に興味を持つ女性もいらっしゃるようで、刀を展示しているところでは、女性の来場者が増えているとのこと。ゲームで擬人化された日本刀の実物を見ようと、美術館や博物館を“巡礼”する女性もいる。
Many women are intrigued by the real Japanese katana in order to know more about their background, saying that as they play the game they begin to want to know more about the history of Japanese katana. Others say they wonder who the person who made the sword of their favorite character was like. Still others like to think about what areas of the sword are reflected in the character. 「ゲームをやると、日本刀の来歴がどうなのかなど背景をもっと詳しく知りたくなる。」「好きなキャラクターの元になった刀は、どういう人が作ったのか。どんなところがキャラクターの性格に反映されているのかとか。考えるのが面白い。」といった声があり、多くの女性が歴史背景を知るため本物の日本刀に魅せられている。
And what’s more, learning sword movements as a work-out is now becoming extremely popular! There appears to be many that support this type of exercise, from all different age groups. Some say it’s both cool and for exercise, killing two birds with one stone. Others say that it’s fun and helps reduce stress. For a while it didn’t seem to gel well with regular people, but when it was revealed that some models and TV-celebrities were learning it, and with the help of the Japanese katana boom, the numbers of students joining in are growing. さらに殺陣の動作を取り入れた“刀エクササイズ”も大流行!「かっこよく、エクササイズの要素もあって一石二鳥という感じでやってみたいと思った」「楽しく、ストレス発散になる」など幅広い年齢層の女性から支持を集めているようだ。なかなか一般人にはなじみがなく、モデルや芸能人から人気の習い事として知られていたが、今は日本刀ブームの影響もあって生徒の数が増えているという。
Source : http://kolor.im/mission/detail/post/2048
The game that started a Japanese katana boom and the “katana girls” that were born from it. The history and drama hidden behind every swing of the katana is luring in women who are light on their feet! ゲームの影響で広まった日本刀ブーム。そこから生まれた“カタナ女子”。刀の一振り一振りに隠された歴史ドラマは、今後もフットワークの軽い女性たちを魅了しそうです!
I am an idle lover college student. 48 groups, Helloproject, Momoiro Clover Z... ultimate DD. Also, self-proclaimed "hobbies Girl" because of baseball and anime fan, too .