8th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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Jyu Jyu use repeated deadly force in the dark and malicious MV for their new single “Noroi Hajime” (release date: October 25).
The MV is shot from the first person perspective and has the viewer trying to escape from a spooky old house but in the end, they keep being killed by Neu, Miori and Minoru in different ways. Resurrected only to be killed in a different way over and over again, Jyu Jyu finally ends the deadly game as they shovel dirt into a grave as you are buried alive. The curse has definitely begun!
“Noroi Hajime” includes a brand new coupling song, “Zenbu Uso” (全部嘘). It will also include a re-recorded version of “Ikenie” (イケニエ) featuring the new members. Lyrics for “Noroi Hajime” and “Zenbu Uso” are by endcape, and the music is by soeda yusuke and Takeshi Kanagawa respectively.
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Jyu Jyu Official site: http://jyujyu.info
Jyu Jyu Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/jyujyu_info
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