PASSPO☆ Announce Disbandment, Final Flight Will be in September 2018 at Nakano Sunplaza

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Hacchake-tai from PASSPO☆, the “party people” subunit of PASSPO☆, held a greeting event titled “Hacchake-tai from PASSPO☆ no Shinkan Konpa!” at Tokyo Culture Culture in Odaiba on April 29th to kick off Golden Week 2016!
Tokyo Culture Culture is a restaurant with a concept of “Connecting the World Wide Web with Real things”. It is located on the second floor of ZEPP TOKYO, next to Pallet Town’s Daikanransha (giant ferris wheel). The place has a relaxing California-style atmosphere.
東京カルチャーカルチャーは「ネットとリアルをつなぐ場所」というコンセプトの飲食店。ZEPP TOKYOの2階、お台場大観覧車の横に位置し、どことなくアメリカ西海岸のような自由な雰囲気を感じる場所である。
Special dishes produced by the members were served that day: Gen-san’s (Shiori Mori) “Morimori Potato” (1kg of French fries), DJ Fujiki’s (Yukimi Fujimoto) “L-Size Takoyaki”, Zaian’s (Naomi Anzai) Chorizo, and Charisma’s (Natsumi Iwamura) Ice Cream Set. The restaurant was packed and audience buzzed in anticipation.
The members rushed to get the party started on time but, they seemed to have bad visibility due to their favorite sunglasses, so their way to the stage became a difficult path. They kicked off the party with “Hacchake Taisou” (their original take on radio calisthenics) and the audience stood up at once to join in, causing quite the chaotic scene.
Immediately after exercise time ended and everyone was warmed up, the members took up their beer mugs. Hacchake-tai and beer really go well together…
Natsumi Iwamura (aka Charisma) seemed delighted and said “This might be our first time to have a Konpa! By the way, what is Konpa?”. (Konpa is a type of Japanese drinking get-together held by university students in casual drinking establishments called izakaya, and are more relaxed than traditional nomikai events.)
Her extraordinary friendliness.
We are often confused about how to explain the exact meaning of “hacchake” to overseas fans. Literally, we can find the meaning of the word “to make merry and forgot one’s troubles” in dictionaries. However, it’s little bit different from “disorder”. “Hacchake” has a feeling like “matsuri (Japanese-style festival)” in which everyone can share the same atmosphere of freedom under unspoken rules and regulations unique to Japan. The word “hacchake” might become a word known worldwide following words like “kawaii” and “hentai” with the Hacchake-tai working hard to spread their beliefs.
After the toast there was a segment titled “Tettei Kenshou! Minna de One-Man Hanseikai!” (Thorough Inspection! Let’s Have a Review Meeting With Everyone about the One-Man Live!)in which members and fans looked back at footage from their second one-man live held at Daikanyama LOOP on March 19, 2016.
A clip of their new song “Born this Ue~i”, which was performed for the first time that day, was screened on the stage. The members gave an explanation that the choreography was inspired by Soran-Bushi, a famous fisherman’s work song which is popular at festivals. Shiori Mori (aka Gen-san) who received praise for her dancing explained, “the important point of this choreography is moving the arm like pulling an elbow.” On the other hand, Naomi Anzai (aka Zaian) and Yukimi Fujimoto (DJ Fujiki) added that, “We were told to move like we were polishing a ball”. They concluded that it must be due to the people in different regions mixing together as they adopted the dance.
まずは、ワンマンライブで初披露された新曲「Born this うぇ~い」について。初披露とは思えないくらいの盛り上がりを見せたライブ映像を元に、この曲にはソーラン節の要素を取り入れた部分があるなど解説。祭り要素の強い振り付けが完璧過ぎると評判の元さんこと森詩織は、ソーラン節風の振付について「肘を引くように」やるのがポイントと解説。一方、ザイアン・藤木は「玉を磨くように」と教えを受けたとのことで、地方によって異なる受け継がれ方にも言及した。
Next, they watched footage of the performance for “Kimi wa Hacchake-tai wo Suki ni Naru”, their version of PASSPO☆’s “Kimi wa Boku wo Suki ni Naru” while interjecting with words/pictures that they had written on flip cards and exciting the audience. During the scene where the different sushi toppings (neta) were called out, Charisma explained, “For the very first one, it absolutely had to be gari (picked ginger) but after that it became random. It was like doing mental arithmetic so I want everyone to do it with me.” Following that, there was a solo karaoke segment by DJ Fujiki, the “Songstress of Daikanyama”, which was met with a reasonably warm reception.
This was followed by a “Hacchake-tai Name Presentation Ceremony” where everyone in the audience was given nicknames by the Hacchake-tai. The members were given a strict 5-second time limit to think up names for each person.
Smiling while naming the 120 attendees.
Attendees could pick up name tags at the reception desk and fill in their new names.
The line moved along almost too perfectly, leading to things ending up ahead of schedule. The members of Hacchake-tai took a short break before returning to the stage and filming a lecture on how “You Can Learn to Love the Hacchake-tai” with the “Ouen-tai” (Hacchake-tai fans).
Here is the completed video below. Please pay attention so you can participate when you go see Hacchake-tai live!
With the venue warmed up, there was a karaoke battle and a live performance by Hachakke-tai. Midway through, the members went into the audience while singing and dancing, giving the event a feeling of dynamic unity.
DJ Fujiki singing in the aisles
The live performance included the new song “Born this Ue~i”, “Hacchake Sensation”, and “Kibun wa Saiko! Saiko! Saiko!”. The volume of calls coming from the tables and the excitement of the members exploded in response to it. The atmosphere of a mikoshi procession is the hallmark of a Hacchake-tai performance!
ライブパフォーマンスでは、新曲の「Born this うぇ~い」に加え、「はっちゃけセンセーション」「気分はサイコー!サイコー!サイコー!」を披露。客席から沸き起こるコールのボリュームが上がると、メンバーのテンションもそれに呼応するように爆上がりする。まるで神輿を担いでいるような高揚感を共有できるのが、はっちゃけ隊のパフォーマンスだ。
Coming to the peak of its excitement, the Shinkan Konpa drew to an end. Zaian exclaimed, “This is the happiest place in Japan, right here!”, summing up her impressions of the evening.
Hacchake-tai will be releasing their long-awaited first single on September 14th and have announced their 3rd one-man live “Hacchake-tai 3rd One-Man @clubasia”. Tokyo Culture Culture will be the host for PASSPO☆ member Mio Masui’s “MIO PERCH” party on June 11th. Don’t miss it!
はっちゃけ隊は9月14日(水)に待望の1stシングル発売が決定しており、さらに9月17日(土)には3回目となるワンマンライブ「はっちゃけ隊 3rdワンマン@clubasia」を開催予定。また、東京カルチャーカルチャーではPASSPO☆増井みおの「MIO PERCH」パーティーが6月11日(土)に開催されることが決まっているので是非チェックしてほしい。
“Hacchake” is a new movement coming out of Tokyo, mixing together all kinds of different cultures with a carefree style and Hacchake-tai is the group combining the worlds of matsuri and entertainment.
9月14日(水)発売 ※詳細は後日公開
はっちゃけ隊 3rdワンマン@clubasia
料金:前売り3150円/当日3650円 ※別途1D(オールスタンディング)
PASSPO☆増井みおの「MIO PERCH」パーティー
11時会場 / 12時開演
【 出演 】
イベントURL : http://tcc.nifty.com/cs/catalog/tcc_schedule/catalog_160328205174_1.htm
Related Links
PASSPO☆ Official site: http://passpo.jp/
Hacchake-tai from PASSPO☆ Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hachake315
TOKYO CULTURE CULTURE Official site: http://tcc.nifty.com/
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