
The Perfect Man Ever : Girls All Over Japan Are Falling In Love With Funassyi, The Adorable Pear!

男性として完璧!? ふなっしーに本気で恋する女子が急増してるってホント? 
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The Perfect Man Ever : Girls All Over Japan Are Falling In Love With Funassyi, The Adorable Pear!

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Funassyi, the popular mascot character from Funabashi City in Chiba Prefecture, has recently been seen all over Japan’s TV and magazines. Based on the pear that Funabashi City is famous for producing, Funassyi’s influence has nonetheless spread nation-wide. With his trademark catchphrases such as “Hyahaa!” and his jiggly moves, along with his cute face, he has become especially popular with women. As well as promotional duties for Funabashi City, he has also appeared on cooking programs and appeared as a model for women’s magazines.He has also released his own single and album, and appeared in manga and games, as well as a wide varieties of commercials.  In fact, you could say that Funasshi’s one multi-talented pear! On top of that, Funasshi also appeared at the Japan Expo in Paris, and at events in Taiwan, where he chatted in Chinese to his new fans.


Funasshi on the cover of “AneCan” (Women’s Fashion Magazine)

Of course,Funassyi is also hugely popular with many of Japan’s idols! Haruna Kojima from AKB48 dressed up in Funasshi cosplay at a rock-scissor-paper event in 2013. The real Funassyi even came along to support her!
そんなふなっしーに魅了されたアイドルがたくさんいます!! AKB48の小嶋陽菜は2013年のじゃんけん大会でふなっしーのコスプレを披露。ふなっしー本人も応援に駆け付け、会場が一気に盛り上がった。

Miori Ichikawa from NMB48 also dressed as Funassyi during a handshake event, and called herself “Lemosshi”.Funassyi seemed to approve, responding to the tweets Miori posted on Twitter!

Also, Akari Yamada from Yumemiru Adolescence appeared with Funassyi at an event, and publicly claimed to be a huge fan!

Funasshi with Yumemiru Adolesence

Funasshi with Yumemiru Adolesence

But there’s more to Funassyi than just a cute face and jiggly body! Women love Funassyi because of his “warm personality,” “quick wit and knowledge,” and how he “never has a bad word to say about anyone, and is always smiling!” There are some fans who see Funassyi not as a cuddly character, but as their ideal man!

On Twitter, some have been saying that “Funassyi is better than the hottest guy,” and also that they want to marry him! Of course, Funassyi loves it and responds to as many as he can. There’s also articles online with titles like “Five Things Guys Can Learn From Funassyi About Being Popular With Women!”

And here’s those five rules!

1. Stay in excellent shape/抜群の身体能力

Funasshi is known for his physicality, with his aggressive jumping style and smooth moves. He’s always energetic, and that makes everyone around him smile.

2. Always positive/ポジティブさ

Funasshi’s best feature is his positive vibe and bright outlook. He never says anything bad about anyone, and always has a smile for those around him.

3. Not passive/受け身じゃない

Funasshi always gives his work his all. He didn’t get to be the top mascot of the country by simply sitting back and doing regular character promotional work. No, he got out there, made a name for himself, and tried all kinds of different things!

4. Considerate of others/他人を思いやる心

Funasshi pushy to and other goods are made in Minamisanriku, one of the town that was suffered from the 2011’s Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The profits from his official goods also go towards the Tohoku restoration efforts. Funasshi isn’t just about having a good time – he cares about important causes, too.

5. Have a sense of humor/高いギャグセンス

As a talking character, Funasshi’s comic timing is key to his popularity. He is known for his pear-based puns, which he often likes to showcase on TV. His official Twitter is also full of plenty of wordplay. Surely everyone would like to have a boyfriend as witty as Funasshi!

So, as you can see, Funasshi’s not just the perfect character, he’s also the perfect man! There’s a lot that guys could learn from Funasshi about how to make girls’ hearts skip a beat!

Related Link
“Very Popular With The Ladies! 5 Rules Of How To Be Popular Like Funassyi”:
Funassyi Twitter :

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I am an idle lover college student. 48 groups, Helloproject, Momoiro Clover Z... ultimate DD. Also, self-proclaimed "hobbies Girl" because of baseball and anime fan, too .

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