dreamBoat Sets Sail! Three Danso Groups Team Up for Their Maiden Voyage!

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The other day, the 6th annual J-POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL occurred in San Francisco’s Japantown. This festival celebrating Japan’s pop culture has had an incredible attendance of 120,000 people in the past! In this successful event, there was a Japanese ikemen (good looking guy) artist. His name is AKIRA. He is a model for the magazine KERA who has also been on the cover 8 times. He has worked in events both Japan and countries abroad, like Shanghai World Expo in Shanghai, JAPAN EXPO 2013 in Paris on the HARAJUKU KAWAii stage.
先日、サンフランシスコのジャパンタウンで、今年で6回目の開催となる「J POP SUMMIT FESTIVAL」が行われた。日本のポップカルチャーを紹介する、このストリートフェスティバルの来場者数は、なんと過去最高の12万人を集客した。そんな大盛況のこの会場で、ひときわ目を惹くイケメン日本人アーティストがいた。彼の名は、AKIRA。雑誌KERAの読者モデルで、同誌の表紙を8回飾った経験を持つ彼は、上海での「上海万博」やパリでの「JAPAN EXPO 2013」で、HARAJUKU KAWAiiステージでオープニングアクトを務めるなど、国内外で幅広く活動しているアーティストなのだ。
…But he isn’t just an ordinary model. He is a model for KERA magazine, and when you further investigate… it’s actually a women’s fashion magazine. That’s right, a women’s fashion magazine…which means… his biological gender is female! Dansou Joshi (crossdressing females) models like AKIRA are called “Boys Style Models.” According to AKIRA, she “doesn’t regularly wear skirts and enjoys mens fashion so [she] dresses like a boy, but [she] is emotionally and physically a girl,” so she is not limited to wearing mens clothing.
「Dressed in Women’s Clothing」AKIRA「女装」したAKIRA
The more I researched on Dansou Joshi, the more confused I became about whether the girls in the photographs were male or female. I may have been confused about the gender, but there’s no doubt that Dansou Joshi is a hot topic in Japan. Recently, members from Nakano Fujyo Sisters, a female idol group, have created a new alter ego Dansou Joshi subunit called Fudanjuku. Fudanjuku has gained more popularity, so they are currently performing more as Fudanjuku. Since starting the year, the little brother groups, THE HOOPERS and AXELL were formed in succession and the Dansou Joshi genre is getting more and more popular.
「男装女子」について調べれば調べるほど、ますます男性なのか女性なのか…その実態がよくわからなくなってくるが、日本のポップカルチャーシーンにおいて「男装女子」がホットな事は間違いないだろう。最近では、女性アイドルグループ「中野風女シスターズ」のメンバーが、派生ユニットとして男装ユニット「風男塾」としても活動したところ、男装ユニットのほうが人気が出て、現在では「風男塾」としてだけ活動するようになったり、今年に入ってから、その弟分である「THE HOOPERS」 や、「AXELL」が、相次いで結成されたりと、「男装女子」界は、ますます盛り上がりを見せている。
Dansou Joshi Unit “Fudanjuku” 男装ユニット「風男塾」
But before Dansou Joshi appeared, there are some people we can’t forget: the cosplayers. These are the girls who enjoyed dressing like their favorite male characters. Within the cosplayers, there is a cosplayer who gained attention from around the world because of the incredible degree of her cosplays. She is Touya Hibiki (十夜ひびき). It’s as if s/he popped out from the 2D world of manga and anime and portrays the character in their flesh and blood in the real world. Many consider Touya Hibiki to represent cosplay.
Touya Hibiki as Kuranosuke Shiraishi From the Manga “Prince of Tennis”
Related Links
Akira Official Website : http://www.akira-web.com/
Fudanjuku Official Website : http://nfs724.com/
Touya Hibiki Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Touya.Skulldy
Written by Eri Goda
Translated by Misato
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